Yagi Toshinori | Timeline

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From the day that you were born to the day that you got to high school was all sunshine and rainbows, dark stormy nights and thunder and lightning. You didn't consider yourself as someone 'special' but you did know that life was something to treasure.

When you got to high school, you entered U.A/Yuuei and caught the eyes of a very handsome man whose name is Toshinori Yagi. He stole your heart straight out of your chest and was your first love.

You'd glance at him every second you can (which is totally not creepy) but he didn't seem to notice.

Deciding that you'd confess to him since half the school year has already passed, you told him to meet to after school. So after school he came and you told him your feelings.

"Oh, uh okay" he replied straight after which made your heart plummet. You knew this was going to happen. But you didn't prepare enough.

"I'm glad you feel the same way" he said with a tint of blush on his cheeks. That day, who would've known that you start a life with him.
Many years have passed and you were finally standing in your gorgeous wedding dress that flowed beautifully with your curves. Out that door would be your soon-to-be husband. Being nervous for this special occasion was normal, but excitement overruled that.

Finally the time has come and you and your father walk arm in arm down the aisle to where your husband stood. A happy wide grin couldn't help but make it to your face.

As the two of you said your vows, that was the happiest time you ever felt. Now he can stay by your side forever and not let go.
"How's the bump?" asked Toshinori and felt your rather large bump. You were 34 weeks pregnant with his soon to be child.

"Our baby (gender) is all healthy and active. I can't wait to see him/her soon" you said as you placed your hand onto of his. He gave you his nightly kisses and you two slept away with happy dreams.
"AAHHH" you screamed as you pushed your baby out. You squeezed tightly on Toshinori's hand, causing it to go purple. (A/N: This is the part where the baby is born but I don't know how that works so let's skip that)

As you held your baby for the first time, tears fell down your cheeks. Toshinori came and wiped away the tears.

"You did well. Now we have a beautiful young child who will grow up to be a fantastic hero" Toshinori said as he moved your bangs from your sweaty forehead.
Your child has grown up into an amazing person. Now standing at his/her own wedding, memories of your own came flooding back. You saw as your child made their vows and now came finally be one with his/her loved one.
"Grandpa Yagi! Tell me another story!" cheered your grand(gender) as you set out lemonade for the children.

"Well have you heard of the twerp Deku? Just telling you, grandpa was their sensei. If it wasn't for grandpa, that kid wouldn't be the hero you know today" Toshinori bragged about himself as he told the younger generations about his students.

"Wait so grandpa you're All Might?! Wow my grandpa is All Might!" yelled your grand(gender) as Toshinori tried to make him stop yelling out.

Chuckling to yourself, you gave the children a glass of lemonade while bottle feeding the youngest one milk.

"Oh you don't have to do that mum. I can do that" insisted your daughter as she took a seat next to you on a wooden chair in your backyard. Your son came in and took a seat next to his wife and handed out cookies.

In front of you was the happiest things in your life. You and Toshinori growing old together, your own child growing up and starting a family of their own was the best anyone could ask for.

Dedicated to @cactusweaboo who was the one who requested this. Sorry if this was confusing with all the times skips but come on, it's a timeline showing your most treasured moments. Hope you enjoyed this fluff (does this pass for a fluff?) and requests are open!!

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