Dabi | Dango

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"Should we tie him up? He looks about done" Dabi asks as he crouches down, inspecting the unconscious hero that laid on the cold cement floor. 

"I don't know, you knocked him out. It's your call" you say as your eyes looked at your nails for no good reason. 

"I'll punch him again for safe measures" concludes Dabi as he stood up, sliding his hands into his pockets. Spitting on the hero, he proceeded to step quite harshly on his face, pressing his shoe on the spit to smear it, leaving an imprint of the sole of his shoe.

"You said that you'd punch him" you sigh, turning around to leave the park that you guys were in. Some of the lamps flickered, giving the park an eerie aura.

"I did? Oh well, doesn't matter now" smirks Dabi as he jogged towards you. 

Shigaraki had just told you two to go wander the city looking for something more entertaining to do than annoying him. Not that you two were doing much in the first place. At least not you. Dabi and Himiko were having a bit too fun throwing flaming knives at the bar drinks. 

If you recall, one of the knives hit an expensive bottle of tequila that Kurogiri specifically bought Spain. Neither Shigaraki or Kurogiri were amused, which caused the whole kicking them out (somehow you were included as you did not tell them off) to go 'cause some trouble somewhere else.'

"What should we do now? Rob a bank? Set a government building on fire? Name it" Dabi casually says as he walks across the street on a red light, not bothering to look for any cars. You followed, in pure boredom that is. It would've been quite amusing to see Dabi get hit by a car if you do say so yourself. 

"I don't care, Himiko probably already did those" you said taking a deep breath. That girl has no off button when it comes to energy. She practically ran out the building with a really loud squeal once Shigaraki told you guys to cause trouble somewhere else.

Walking to the more busy part of town, people were just closing down for the night. 

"I'm hungry want some dango?" questions Dabi as he points to a dimly lit dango resturant. The faded paint of the shop name barely hung on to the wooden board it was originally painted on. The red drapes in the front of the store appeared to be very old as dust clung onto the now pale pink.

"Sure why not?" you agree walking down to the restaurant. People around you two gave suspicious looks. The world hasn't seen either you or Dabi so they don't know you two have any relations with the Villain Alliance. Just an ordinary girl next to a dude with peeled or burnt skin stapled where skin meets no skin. 

"Just eating dango wouldn't any fun... let's scare the shit out of people AND get those dango for free" Dabi suggests as a smirk made it's way up to his face. His schemes were never something to be particularly exciting. Not that they were bad, they were lame. 

"What's the plan" you say, going along with whatever he decides to do.

"You go in, act all nice and innocent, ask for some dango. A lot of dango. I'll sneak in towards the back. Once the lady goes and gets our dango, yelled out to her 'do you smell something?' After she comes back with our dango, spark a conversation with her to distract her from me. I'll be setting the whole place on fire. You run with the dango, yelling at people that the building is on fire and the lady is still inside. We'll rob people while we're at it. Sounds good?"

"Sounds shit but sure"

Standing in front of the dango restaurant, an old lady sat there, sipping on her tea. Moving the drapes aside, you walked in as Dabi stayed outside. 

"Um excuse me, may I have some dango?" you ask politely, taking a seat at one of the tables.

"H-How many servings Sweetie?" the old lady asks as she takes another sip of tea. 

"Um, uh, 15?" you asked unsure. Dabi did say to get A LOT of dango...

"50? O-Okay Sweetie. 50 dango coming up" the lady says as she stands up and slowly waddle towards the kitchen. 

"Yo how many dango?" asks Dabi pokes his head in. 

"50" you replied, gulping down the saliva that accumulated in your throat.

"50?! The fuck is wrong with you?! I was thinking of 8 or something but 50?! How are we going carry that?" Dabi practically screamed at you. 

"25 each now fuck off and do your part of the job" you hiss and Dabi starts walking towards the back. 

You waited a couple of minutes, and the lady begins to start carrying your 50 dangos over to you.

"T-That will be $12-"

"Oh do you smell that Grandma? I think something is burning" you quickly cut off the lady. She sniffs and stands up, walking towards the kitchen. You can hear Dabi outside yelling that the building is on fire. 

He runs in, taking two handfuls of dango and runs out. You grab the plate and run out too. 

Running out the store, the two of you ran away from where the crowd is. You can smell the fire, or smoke to be more precise of Dabi's work.

"What about the robbing?" you ask, panting as the two of you guys were still running.

"Forget it!" 

--- Later ---

"DANGO!" Himiko cheers as grabs three in each hand and begins to wolf them down.

"Now explain to me how did you guys get them?" Shigaraki asks, visibly stressed at the sight of his "minions."

"We stole them" you and Dabi answered simultaneously.

"I LOVE YOU (F/N) AND DABI" Himiko yells with mouthful of dango and sauce all over her face. 

This chapter is dedicated to @xngelik who was the one who requested this chapter. Is it just me or, FEBRUARY WENT BY SO FAST AND NOW IT'S MARCH LIKE TFF. Finally, I got this chapter done. I didn't want this to be a lovey dovey one because for the last couple of chapters that's all I've been writing. So I settled for some partners-in-crime plot. I've been craving dango for dayssss, hence the storyline of this chapter :) Requests are CLOSED and have a great day/night! 

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