Shouta Aizawa | Come Back

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You were his everything. His love, his life, his reason for living. There wasn't a day in his life that he would give you up for anything.

From the day the he met you, you stole his heart and never gave it back. But it was okay since he took yours.

Then one day on the rooftop of U.A/ Yuuei, he gathered up all the courage he had and asked you out. Which you of course said yes.

You guys went out on many dates to various places. Fancy restaurants, amusement parks, concerts and sometimes just hanging out at either of your houses to cuddle and watch movies.

You loved him with all of your heart and he did too. The two of you never argued and always agreed with each other.

Once the two of you graduated high school, the both of you settled in a new home and became heroes together. Him being 'Eraserhead' and you being '(Hero name).' Saving the citizens and defeating villains left and right.

One night, you asked him a question.

"Shouta?" you said while you two laid in your shared bed.

"Yes (F/N)?" answered back Aizawa.

"If you were to lose one thing, what is the one thing you couldn't bear to lose?" you asked. You turned around to face towards him.

"The one thing I couldn't bear to lose? Is that supposed to be a trick question?" questioned Aizawa.

"Just answered the question" you urged while gently punching his back.

"Okay okay, I'll answer the question. You would be the one thing I couldn't bear to lose" he said with his voice vibrating because of you punching his back. But once you heard his answer, you stopped punching him.

"Really?" you asked, wanting to confirm it.

"Yeah now go to sleep. I'm tired" ordered Aizawa. Smiling to yourself, you fell asleep with no worries.

Life was great for you and Aizawa. But as the days went by, you found out that Aizawa was coming home later and later. You couldn't help but think of things that you knew deep weren't true.

When Aizawa came home late, he found you sitting down on the couch waiting for him.

"(F/N) it's late go to bed" ordered Aizawa as he sat down next to you with his arm draped around you.

"Shouta, why are you always late?" you questioned him.

He wanted to tell you, but it'd ruin his plan. But, he took too long.

He remembered the day, April 08. It was pouring rain as he came home. In his hands was the reason why he was late coming home.

When he opened the door, you were nowhere to be found. Walking around the house, he couldn't help but notice drops of blood leading towards your shared bedroom.

Opening the bedroom he found your limp body in a pool of blood. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't do anything because he knew he was too late.

A week later, he was dressed in all black as he stared at you in your coffin. You seemed peaceful in your internal slumber.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't hold them back in. The fear, the pain and the regrets he had that day. It keeps replaying over and over in his head. Tears flowed quietly down his cheek as he silently cried to himself as he walked to your grave.

Today was the day that he was going to propose to you. Today was the day that he would prove to you just how much he loved you. He wanted to start a family with you but, life just had to take you away.

So now instead asking 'will you marry me,' he's saying 'come back to me' as he places your engagement ring in front of your grave.

This was my attempt at angst. Sorry if this was all really cringy but I tried. I was thinking, maybe this is the reason why Aizawa-sensei was single (or is he?) Anyways i tried to keep him in character but I hope you liked this chapter.

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