Yagi Toshinori | Beautiful

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You hate the way your body looks. They way that your cheeks are puffy, your stomach hangs just a tad over your pants, your extremely thick looking thighs, they're all imperfections. You know nobody cares about how you look but even so, you always seem to think that they do.

"Ugh look at this fat" you groaned as you pinched your cheek. To your right, your extremely fit best friend looked at you in confusion.

"You're not fat, you're chubby. And chubby people are cute" they said.

"Chubby, fat, same thing" you scoffed while rolling your eyes. As much as you loved your best friend,  you knew that they were saying that to make you feel better. You've tried every dieting tips there was, went vegan for a week (but idea quickly subsided as your neighbour had invited your family over for a barbeque) and did little exercises here and there. But none of these showed any improvements.

"Say (L/N), I'm going to the gym tomorrow want to come?" (BFF/N) asked. Thinking about it, you agreed as you didn't have anything to do tomorrow anyways. It sounded better than lazing around all day.

The following day, you met up with your best friend.

"I'm not sure I want to go..." you mutter quietly to your best friend as man with protruding muscles headed into the gym. Chuckling to his/her self, he/she grabbed your hand and pulled you inside. The gym was huge, there were three gyms in this one building.

Walking up to the receptionist, your best friend paid for about two hours worth of gym time. You on the other, were hiding in what you thought was shame as these really fit people walked into the gym with their memberships.

"(L/N), you have nothing to be ashamed about. Coming to the gym to become fit is perfectly normal. It's like going to medical school to learn about medicine" your best friend reassured you. Changing into a loose t-shirt and gym shorts, you and your friend walked into the gym.

There were people everywhere,  on the treadmill, weightlifting, punching a punching bag, doing squats while holding weights and so much more. In the corner of your eye, you saw this EXTREMELY INHUMANLY buff man lifting weights with 500kg on both ends with one hand. Like how the fu-

"Yoo hoo (L/N)" said (BFF/N) as they wave their hand in front of your face. Snapping back to reality you looked at them.

"Yeah" you said. Smiling, (BFF/N) took your hand and walked towards the treadmill.

"First before we do anything, we are going to jog as a warm up. And it's simple, just jog for ten minutes straight without stopping" they smiled. 10 MINUTES?! In gym, you couldn't even run around the soccer field without stopping.

"Am I allowed to walk when I'm tired?" you pleaded. Sighing, (BFF/N) nodded their head and stepped on the treadmill. You did the same. Pressing a bunch of buttons, the treadmill's tracks began to move. Both you are your best friend promised to set it a certain speed. While you were running, that man you saw earlier, kept floating into your mind. Shaking your head you tried to focus on running this ten minutes. Looking at the time on the treadmill, only two minutes has passed and you were out of breath.

"'I'm tired and it hasn't even been five minutes" you complained and your best friend chuckled.

"Just think of some hot dude and I promise you it will make the time go faster and you'll forget about your tiredness" they advised. Hot dude eh? But the only person that comes into your mind was that guy lifting weights.

You didn't even see his face. All you saw was his strength and bulging muscles. It somehow made him look really hot.

Hearing a beep beside you, you turned your head to see why was it beeping. It appears that a man in a tight white shirt was using the machine. Looking up at him, you recognized that it was that buff dude earlier. Running just a bit faster and making your strides a bit longer, you tried to get a glimpse of his face.

Oh was that a bad decision. No, no, no, there was nothing wrong with his face oh, god no. His face looked like it was stolen from the king of the skies. What was a bad decision was running too far up ahead, stepping on the plastic and then falling down the treadmill.

"(L/N)!" your best friend called as they stopped running and to you see if you're okay. Holding your elbow, you nodded that you were okay. Suddenly, you felt a large presence next to you.

"Are you alright beautiful?" they asked. Looking up, it was that man.

"I-I uh," you fumbled not knowing what the hell to say. Oh how you felt like you should shrivel up in a hole and stay there forever.

"I'm alright" you managed but honestly, it sounded more like a squeak. Your best friend offered you a hand and you took it.

"I'm Yagi Toshinori and I'm a trainer here. If you want, I could train you all of this week for free for three hours. That is if you want to beautiful?" he offered as he stuck out his hand as he grinned. Sticking out your hand, you shook his.

"(F/N) (L/N). I'll take the offer hottie" you smile as you tried to ignore your best friend trying to stifle their laughter.

"Oh I ship it already" (BBF/N) chuckle.

This is dedicated to @Cinnabunsaurus who was the one who requested this. Just for your information, I have never went to a gym and I doubt that I ever will. Not because I'm perfectly slim but it's because one I hate working/exercising (I find it boring) out and I am lazy. I felt like Toshinori was OOC... oh well. Requests are open (request in the 'request' chapter or else I wont do it and NO LEMONSSSSSSS) and have a nice day/night. (Should I do a 'Next up' at the end to tell you guys who's up next? Let me know)

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