25 Facts About Me | 10K Special

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Hello everyone! This chapter is different from my other chapter but 10K is a huge milestone for me. I honestly thought that I wouldn't go very far with this but apparently I did. Now time for the 25 facts about me.

1: My background is Chinese but I live in Canada.

2: My favourite sport is soccer and volleyball. Can't pick between the two

3: In sports, I'm more of a defensive player than an offensive one.

4: I play piano and flute

5: I'm very daring and will take on any challenge (as long as it's possible and my life isn't on the line)

6: The first anime I watched was Naruto

7: My favourite anime is Assassination Classroom and Boku No Hero Academia

8: I like any cookie flavoured desserts

9: I can speak three languages, English (first), Chinese and French (I'm still working on the French since I learn it in school)

10: I'm good at drawing but I draw really quickly

11: I'm right handed but I hold a hockey stick on my left

12: I write my a's like this -> a

13: My favourite colour is blue

14: I don't like swimming but I like water activities

15: My favourite soccer player is Neymar Jr

16: My favourite cartoon is Adventure Time

17: I'm not afraid snakes and most bugs (if they're big and hairy we got a problem here)

18: I am a sprinter not a jogger (I have little stamina)

19: The first sport anime I watched was Haikyuu (season three is coming out on Oct 7, so excited!)

20: I hate wearing dresses

21: I have glasses but I don't wear them often (I barely use them)

22: I'm socially awkward

23: I'm a bit more introvert than extrovert

24: My birthday is February 9

25: I like things simple not complicated

There you go! 25 facts about me, I hope this tells you more about me. Tell me if anything of these facts have anything in common with you.

Have a nice day/night!

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