Shouto Todoroki | I Only Love You

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You and Todoroki were acquaintances. Nothing more, nothing less. At least that's what you think he saw in you. Developing a crush on this flawless being proved to be a pain in the butt. Starting a conversation with him will end up you talking non-stop and he'll have to listen to every boring word that spurred out your mouth and so becoming friends was quite the challenge. 

But your attempts didn't matter. You knew he had eyes for Yaoyorozu. She's so perfect in every way a man would want. She's smart, and usually has a good grasp on what the situation is and what is needed to be done plus, just like him, she was accepted to U.A/Yuuei through recommendations. And let's not get started on how her chest were so much bigger than yours.

"Todoroki-kun!" Yaoyorozu called out to him holding a bunch of papers. 

"Oh Yaoyorozu" Todoroki says as he watches her run towards him from around the corner to where he stood by the exit. You were at the library, trying to study. The library happened to be located right about the exit so you had a clear view to what was happening. Jealousy beginning to boil in your blood. 

"Iida-kun had matters to attend and left me with this. Everyone else already went home but it appears that you're still here. If you're not busy, can you help me?" asked Yaoyorozu sweetly. 

"Uh, yeah sure I can help. But isn't Ashido and Kaminari still here" wonders Todoroki. Yaoyorozu looks away.

"I don't think they're much help" she says and Todoroki chuckles. HE CHUCKLED! How can she make him chuckle when you can't even get him to look at you. 

But in the end, you couldn't resent Yaoyorozu. Or more like you can't find a reason to hate her. She's so sweet and kind, who would want to hate a girl like her. She even managed to make the cold Todoroki laugh. 

Looking back out the window you saw that they disappeared, probably to go work on the papers Yaoyorozu had. Picking up your massive math textbook, you flipped to page 344, where the questions you have to answer lie. Math wasn't your best subject neither was it your worse. It was in the middle to say the least. You understood how the equations and whatnot worked but you weren't outstandingly good at doing it. 

While working away on the first question, you hear the library doors open. But, you didn't pay much attention to the people who came in. The library was quite crowded but you alway managed to snag a table for yourself in the back where no one goes. 

"Wow it's so crowded in here. U.A/Yuuei really pushes their students academically hard as well" you hear a familiar voice say.

"That's funny coming from you. You ranked number 1 in our class academically" added another voice. A voice that you knew too well. 

You began to wonder, why were they here? The class is empty and the teachers wouldn't mind either. It's much quieter in the classroom. 

Trying not to let your jealousy get the best of you, you focused on your math questions and tried to ignore the noises around you. Well, that is until you sensed someone in front of you.

"(L/N)-san! I'm surprised to see you here. May Todoroki-kun and I sit with you? The other tables are full" asks Yaoyorozu. Nodding you head, you went back to your questions, attempting not to look at Todoroki. It was silent at the table for a while, except for the shuffling of papers. 

"(L/N) are you currently busy?" asks Yaoyorozu. Looking up at her (though it sort of looked like a glare), you pursed your lips and thought about.  

"Um, I was just doing the math questions sensei assigned for tomorrow but otherwise no" you reply and she smiles gleefully. 

"Great! Because of an upcoming fall fair at our school, our class has to do something to participate. Iida-kun and I thought that it'd be fun to do a cafe. But we need to know what kind of bakery goods and drinks to sell and how to make them. So do you want to help?" asks Yaoyorozu and you agreed. 

Spending time with Yaoyorozu and Todoroki felt like you were third wheeling. Those two had so many ideas and recipes that they found through various books in the library where as you only found a recipe for chocolate mocha. Seeing them work together so well only confirms your suspicion of Todoroki liking her. The way he looks at her and talks to her compared to you just gives it a big capital C for CONFIRMED.

Not being able to take it anymore, you all of a sudden packed your things and left the library. 

On your way out, you saw Kaminari. He appeared to be alone and quite, fidgety.

"Oh (L/N)-san, can I talk to you?" he asks nervously and you nodded. You had all the time in the world.

"WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME" he yells as he bows to you. You had no feelings towards Kaminari but all you needed was forget about Todoroki. So you agreed to his 'date.'

"(L/N)?" someone says behind you. It was the very man that you wanted to forget. His expression seems to be in a foul mood. He's glaring at Kaminari in particular. 

"Who said you can ask her out?" he said aggressively as he grabs Kaminari's shirt collar. His face was scrunched up in anger. 

"What do you want Todoroki?" you ask with a hint of poison in your voice. Kaminari backed up, and decided to leave the situation. (Oh how he was going to kill Ashido for making up this stupid dare and making him suffer through Todoroki's wrath.)

"I'm here because of you" he says softly once Kaminari left.

"Why are you here?" you question.

"Because I saw you with him"

"But you had Yaoyorozu"

"But she's not you"

"But you like her"

"I don't like her"

"How can you not?"

"Because I like you"

"What?" you say barely above a whisper. He leans forwards and wraps his arms around you. On arm around your back, moving in slow soothing circles and the other one holding your head, gently placing it into the crook of his neck.

In a soft whisper, only loud enough for you to hear he said:

"I only love you"

This chapter is dedicated to @One-More-Star who was the one who requested this. You can tell I gave up on the dialogue near the end lol. My teacher assigned me homework on Thanksgiving weekend T_T. Well at least I finished most in class anyways. Hope you enjoyed a terribly portrayed jealous Todoroki (and you) and didn't cringe in any of it. Oh I was also thinking of making a book for beginner artists. Like it's going to be my realest advice and tips to beginner artists. Should I do it? Let me know :) Requests are CLOSED and have a nice day/night AND HAPPY THANKSGIVING CANADIANS!

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