Yagi Toshinori | Sleep

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Opening the sliding door to the teacher's lounge, All Might walks in only to poof himself into his short, skinny self.

Dragging his feet to the couch, he decided to take a nap to regain his energy from teaching as All Might.

Teaching was fun, but with his time limit, he found it harder and harder to keep up the All Might image.

He knows that one day, the public will see his true self, but he's not prepared for them to see the face behind the number one hero All Might.

But that time hasn't come yet so, he'll just have to deal with the time limit for now. He lets his sleepy eyelids take over as he goes to the wonderful LaLa Land.

At that moment, another cheerful teacher skips in. Loved by all, (L/N)-sensei walks in for her break only to see a sleeping Toshinori.

"Aww, a sleeping Toshinori is the cutest sight ever!" squealed (L/N)-sensei as she walks over to a table to grab her bento.

"After all these years, I still can't believe I harbour feelings for him" smiled (L/N)-sensei as she holds her bento with (F/C) cloth wrapping.

"Loving him since high school. It's been a few years and now I'm an adult, working as a teacher. He became the number one hero and I'm still me. He changed through the years" you sighed as you walked to a couch parallel to the one Toshinori was sleeping on.

"If only you can be mine one day" you sighed as you got to exit the teacher's lounge.

When you slid the door open, you hear shuffling movements from the couch.

Turning around, you saw Toshinori, sitting upright and staring at you. Your cheek glowed a light pink as you blushed.

"I can be yours" was all he said. What did he mean?

"I'm sorry but what do you mean?" you asked not sure of what was happening.

"You said if only I can be yours" he stated blankly. He heard all of that?!

"You must be dreaming" you objected. Standing up, Toshinori walks over to where you're standing and grips your waist.

"Well, you thought I was asleep so you babbled on about how you loved me and how I changed. It was quite cute if you asked me" he smiled.

"Oh dear, I was talking out loud wasn't I?" you asked as you blush glowed darker. Your question was confirmed by a nod.

"I just wanted to said that, I feel the same and that I wish to return your feelings if that's alright. Even if I'm in this, form" he said, his eyes drifting down to the floor as if he's ashamed of himself.

Leaning in close, you gave him a quick peck on his cheek.

"All Might and Toshinori Yagi are both part of a man I have grown to love and admire" you smiled as Toshinori smiled back.

Leaning in closer and closer, yours and Toshinori lips were only centimetres apart.

"Finally, it took you guys 18 years. I expect kids soon" said a voice. You and Toshinori whip your head towards the voice on the see the principal, Nedzu sipping on some teas with his pinky finger shot out.

"I'll let you guys have the rest of the day off to do the, magic kid making stuff" smiled Nedzu as you felt yourself turn into the brightest red on the Earth.

This is dedicated to @azsenel who was the one who requested this. Fluffy chapter made! I hope this was to your liking Azsenel! Requests are open and have a nice day/night!

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