Izuku Midoriya | Office LEMON

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Warning: This chapter contains sexual content. If you feel uncomfortable reading it then, why would you read it? First lemon •/////•

Sitting in your office, you adjusted your SnapBack as you stared at the paperwork in your office. Glancing at the clock you saw that the minute hand was nearing the number twelve.

'It's almost time' you thought as you straighten up your desk.

32 seconds, 16 seconds, 7 seconds, 1 second

"(F/N) my dear! I have made time tonight to visit you" smiled a green haired villain as he busts through the door. He was Deku the number one villain the world. Groaning, you roll your eyes and gestured for him to leave.

"Oh don't be a killjoy (F/N), tonight were gonna have a lot of fun" he smirks. Ever since you met him, he has been bothering you at 10 PM sharp every night. You admit it gets lonely in here but every night he would be begging you to be his lover.

"Knocked out the security guards again?" you asked as you took off your leather jacket. You were a Pro Hero and your sidekicks, weren't the sharpest tools in the shed but they do their jobs.

"You know me all too well" says Midoriya as he walks closer to your desk and sits on it.

"Let's have some fun shall we? Maybe then you'll fall right in love with moi (French to English: me)" Midoriya says softly as he slams his lips onto yours.

As he was smooching you, you felt his hands travel down your body and into your shorts.

"What are you-" you began before you felt a finger go inside your womanhood. Midoriya then begin pumping his fingers in and out before going at a quicker pace.

"Ah!" you moaned as he added another finger inside. The sensation down there felt so good, hence the tighten of your stomach.

"De-Deku I'm going, I'm going to cum" you moaned as he continued to pump his fingers. As you felt that you were close, he stopped.

"Huh? Why'd you stop?" you complained as he sits down on the carpet in front of you. He then unbuckled your shorts and pulled them down, revealing your (F/C) panties.

"You're this wet already? Well then, I better finish the job" smiled Midoriya as touches the moist part of the panties. He then rips them off and hoisted your legs onto his shoulders.

"Wow, what a view" he says as he looks at your womanhood with lust.

"S-Stop staring" you said as his head began to move forward. Then you felt a warm tongue swirl around your clit.

"Ah! Oh my god" you moaned as you pulled onto his hair. He then proceed to insert his tongue inside your womanhood. You felt that same tightening feeling in your stomach again. He then started to move even faster before you came all over his face.

"What a naughty girl you are" smirks Midoriya as he licks your love juices off of his face. Then, he stood up and unbuckled his own pants to reveal the large bulge in his pants.

"Time for the real show to begin" he whispered as he pulls down the last bit of clothing on his bottom half revealing a very large... thing.

"That's going to go in me?!" you shriek as you stare at the large stick in between his legs.

"Quit your staring" he orders as he slams the stick inside you and doesn't wait for you to adjust.

"Y-You going t-too f-f-fast!" you moan as he thrusts his stick in and out of you at an inhuman speed. Curse that quirk of his.

"You're so fucking tight" he groans as he hits your sweet spot. The pleasure was so overwhelming that your mind went completely blank.

"I-I'm close" you squeak as you cum all over him, but doesn't seem to be satisfied yet as he doesn't stop.

"Oh this is amazing!" he groans as he continued his speed and throws his head back before he stopped moving.

Soon, his seeds injects into you. There was so much that the white paste soon overflows and drips out of your womanhood and into your office chair.

"Do you love me now? This is something only I can give you" he whispers in your ear.

"You're an interesting Villian. I like interesting" you smirk as you guys headed straight for round two.

This chapter is dedicated to @toshirolover who was the one who requested this. Sooooo, how was it? I legit didn't know how to word everything especially the 'stick.' Finished the first four days if school, 183 more days to go! Requests are closed and have a nice day/night!

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