Katsuki Bakugou | Prove It Pt.2 LEMON

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Warning: This chapter contains the soury yellow fruit, don't read if it's uncomfortable to you. Also language 'cause well, it can't be any more obvious

Taking your hand, Bakugou pulled you through the hallways and out into the front yard. You couldn't stop giggling at him. His eyes gave the impression that he was going to kill someone as his mouth formed a permanent scowl.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry for calling gay in front of the class. Now can you let go of my hand please? Also where are we going?!" you called out as Bakugou's grip didn't seem to loosen.

"I told you, we're going to continue" said Bakugou through gritted teeth, leading you outside of the school and behind the gym.

"On your hands" he ordered, but you didn't budge. It was a simple command yes, but in this situation, you were quite confused.

"I said on your hands dammit!" shouted Bakugou as he forced you down on to your hands and knees. Looking up at him, he started digging through his bag until he brought it out. A vibrator.

"W-What are you going to do Bakugou?" you gulped at the sight of the vibrators. Then, in one swift motion, he pulled down your undergarment and turned on the vibrator. The buzzing could be heard from the toy as he placed the tip at your entrance.

"Now let's spice up this little sex of ours. It'd be more interesting than those normal vaginal sexs" Bakugou said in a seductive tone as he playfully pushed the tip of the vibrator in and out of you.

"B-Bakagou s-stop teasing" you whined. Be careful for what you wish for because before you knew it, the whole vibrator was forced inside of you.

"Happy now slut?" questions Bakugou as he unzips his pants and pulled out his member. Like all other cliché lemons, his member was HUMONGOUS. Honestly, all your life you thought it would be all shriveled up and tiny.

Spitting on his hands, he lubricated his member. You were there immobilized by the moving vibrator in you, not to mention you were staring at Bakugou as he gets ready for you.

Walking behind you, you embraced yourself to what he would do. But when you felt something poking at your butthole, you suddenly got the shivers.

"What are you going to do?" you asked nervously as you looked back at Bakugou. Scrunching up his nose, he tilted his head up to look down at you.

"I said we're going to spice up our sex didn't I? Now be a good girl and stay still while I fuck you" he replied as his member start to go in your butthole.

"Bakugou that's the wrong hole!" you shriek when he continues to enter you. Bakugou reaches down and starts moving the vibrator back and forth as he starts to rock his hips back and forth.

You can feel your juices running down you legs as you felt yourself coming close. Biting your lip, you endured it for a while, not wanting Bakugou to know. Until you let loose.

"AHHH!" you moaned as you came all over the vibrator with your juices water falling down your legs. But did that stop Bakugou? NOOOOO, because he himself wasn't satisfied.

You never thought you'd feel good in your butthole but you did. And Bakugou thought the same.

"Ahh~ anal sex feels amazing" he moans as he continues the pace. Then the familiar twitching feeling in your ass could be felt. He's close.

"(F/N), I'm going to go faster. Now embrace your ass your a hot finish" he advised as he started to move faster. It burned a little, but it got worse as he went lightning speed in and out of your ass.

"I-It's s-so h-h-hot" you moaned as he continued that lightning speed of his.

Then, it ended. He came all over you and collapsed on top of your shaking body.  You were beyond tired, even though you didn't do anything but stayed still.

Maybe you'll wait awhile before teasing him again. And your walking might need a few days to recover from this intense... action.

This is dedicated to @nilseliztrk who was the one who requested a Bakugou X Reader . Well this is the part 2 to 'Prove It' and I hope you guys enjoyed this. Guys I made my school's soccer team this year!!! So happy :)) So I'm going to take a break from the lemons and write some next random drabble. I'm going to take in one request for this drabble. First one to ask will be the one who gets it no exceptions. Requests are open for that one person then it's closed and have a nice day/night!!!

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