Izuku Midoriya | Popsicle

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It was a scorching hot day today and you almost immediately regretted going out for your daily jog today.

On the news today, they said that it was going to be 42°C/107°F near noon and right now, it was morning and you were already boiling.

As you jogged through a public park, you spotted a familiar green haired boy chatting with a little girl.

Midoriya Izuku was in your middle school but since he attends to U.A/Yuuei, a school that you tried out for and didn't make you didn't see him anymore. So instead you go to (High School Name) which isn't too bad but you still wanted to go to U.A/Yuuei.

You forgot to mention that Midoriya was your crush. But back then you were too shy to tell him since you didn't talk a lot to other people since you feared that their response's will be like Bakugou's.

But over the years, you gained more confidence that you can talk to people without being a stuttering mess.

Jogging up to him, he seems to be in an conversation with the girl.

"If you try hard enough, your dreams might be able to come true like mine. You see, I used to be at the bottom of the class but when I tried my hardest, I made my way into the best school ever! So believe in yourself and make your dreams come true" ranted Midoriya as reached up to the sky and grabbed the air and brought it to his chest.

"Wow! Thank you mister! I'm going try my hardest from now on!" smiled the little girl as she ran towards her mother who was sitting on a nearby bench.

Tapping his shoulder, you waved at him with a big smile on your face.

"Long time no see Midoriya!" you grinned as you wiped your sweat off of your forehead.

"(L-L/N)?" gasped Midoriya. Oh no, what have you done now?

"It's been so long! How are you?" Midoriya smiled just brightly as the sun.

"I've been good" you answered casually. Then you heard the familiar tune of a very slow moving vehicle that sells delicious cold treats.

"Do you to get a popsicle?" asked Midoriya as the ice cream truck stops.

"I didn't bring any money with me. You can have one if you'd like" you smiled sheepishly.

But he grabbed your hand and led your way the lineup of the ice cream truck. When it was your turn to order, Midoriya told you to order anything on the menu.

"Um, how about a (favourite flavoured popsicle)" you ordered. The man handed your popsicle as Midoriya hands over the money.

"Midoriya aren't you going to get on for yourself?" you asked unwrapping the wrapper.

Before you can do anything, he bends over and takes a bite out of the popsicle.

"I got one so we can share" blushed Midoriya. You unintentionally take a bite out of the popsicle.

'Shoot, I made an indirect kiss' you mentally cursed. Though Midoriya only smiled at your cuteness.

"By the way (F/N), you have great taste in popsicles" smiled Midoriya as you two walk side by side.

This is dedicated to @warriorcatlover511 who was the one who requested this chapter. It feels like forever since I wrote a fluffy story like this. Just pure randomness. I need to write more stuff like this :)! Requests are open and have a nice day/night!

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