Dabi | Wish

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The moon was glistening in the dark navy blue sky with clusters of stars scattered around. Night time was always your favourite time of day. It's when everything as so nice and calm, not too hot and no one to disturb you.

Looking at the lake that sat before you, you stared at it with lust in your eyes. How the calm lake was reflecting the night sky as if the lake itself was a mirror. Touching the water, you watched the night sky ripple in the water. Once the water stopped moving, you saw a face reflected in the water.

"Dabi, you came" you said with a smile. Gesturing for him to sit down next to you which he did. Putting a hand on your waist he pulled you closer to him. You rested your head on his shoulder and he rested his head on your head.

"It's beautiful, the night sky" he whispered as he stared at the north star. Nodding your head in agreement you closed your eyes and smiled.

"If only the world could be like this every day" you wondered aloud.

"It could be, we can escape to space" suggested Dabi. Chuckling, you playfully punched him in the stomach. Sighing, you shifted your position so that you head as in his lap.

"Too bad we can only do this at night since the day would be too risky" frowned Dabi as he gently stroked your beautiful (H/C) locks. Nodding, you dipped your hand in the water, making it ripple once more.

He was a villain, a villain who is afflicted with the League of villain. A member of the 'Vanguard Action Squad.' A cold-hearted villain who commits crimes in the world. Destroying the world little by little.

You were a Pro Hero. Someone who defeats villains to save the people and protect them. Trained to rescue those in need and defeat the ones who disrupts the peace in the world.

Yet, here you are, resting in the lap of a villain. A villain whom you fell in love with and a hero that he fell in love with. It wasn't in the law but, somehow loving a villain is not allowed. Loving a person is, but not a villain.

"I wish heroes and villains could live like one, not two separate rivalling sides" you said.

"I know. I want people to accept us" admitted Dabi.

"If you became a hero, it'd work out. But, they wouldn't allow it because of your past crimes. And if I became a villain, my reputation would be destroyed. And you know I have my pride" you said as played with the lush green grass.

"And we want to be together so now we only meet at night at this very spot" says Dabi.

Just then a shooting star passes by, which you pointed out to Dabi.

"Make a wish!" you grinned as you closed your eyes and wished.

I wish the world can accept heroes and villains living in peace so that Dabi and I can be together

Opening your eyes, you saw Dabi staring at you with his heavily lidded eyes. Looking back up at the sky once more you sighed before getting up to go home.

A wish coming true would be a miracle.

Before you left the area to go into the neighbouring forest, you turned around to look at Dabi one last time.

"A wish come true only happens in fantasies. Which means, us being a real couple in the world would never be accepted, no matter how much we try. We're... just not meant to be. We're not compatible" you said as you wipe a stray tear from your eyes as you turn around and walked away.

I like this chapter! Dabi is one of the only villains I like, 'cause he looks so cool and his quirk is badass too. Requests are open and have a nice day/night!

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