Yagi Toshinori | Misunderstanding

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"Oh my god yes! I can't wait for the next episode of (favourite TV show/anime/cartoon)" you fangirled as you slap Present Mic on his back. He was your best friends since birth and nothing can separate you. Well, except for Toshinori.

"(L/N)-channnnnn!" called out Toshinori as he ran towards you, creating a dust trail behind him. Holding on your shoulder he looked up at you with big puppy dog eyes.

"Can you pwease help me with my homework?" pleaded Toshinori as large drops of tears formed at the corner of his eyes as his mouth quivered.

"S-Sure" you said nervously. He was always like that. Every time you're talking to Present mic about something, he would ask you some random question. It started ever since, hmmm the first day of school?

"YES! Score for ALL MIGHT" cheered Toshinori as he started pumping his fists up in the air. Sighing, you looked at Present Mic as he shrugged at you.

"Nothing I can do about it" smiled Present Mic as he raised his eyebrows and started grooming his fetus mustache.

Rolling your eyes, you walked over to Toshinori's desk and started to tutor him until lunch break was over.

At first, when Toshinori asked you various things, you really didn't mind. But it increasing got more and more annoying because you wanted some time to talk to Present Mic about anything.

"(L/N) wanna be my partner for Phys. Ed today?" asked Toshinori. Sighing, you looked at him with a sympathetic smile.

"Sorry I'm already Present Mic's. Maybe next time?" you said as you watched Toshinori sulk away.

'All I want is to be with her! What's wrong with that? EVERYTHING APPARENTLY! Why does he get to be with her when it should be me?' Toshinori thought as he slumped down in his desk as he glared at you and Present Mic. The jealousy within him started to boil.

He remembered seeing you walking in the class with your hair flowing behind and you bag in your hands as you took your seat. And when lunch came, you'd immediately go to Present Mic. For some reason he had a sudden urge to go talk to you and take you away from Present Mic. But in the end, you would always go back to him. 

For a few a days, he dealt with it. He continued doing that he always did. But even he got bored of doing that because no matter what he did, you'd always be with Present Mic. Day after day with the same result, he finally decided to confront you about it.

"(L/N)" mumbled Toshinori.

"Yes" you said dragging out the 's'.

"Why are you always with Present Mic?! It's not fair! You're supposed to be with me!" he complained as he jumped around in circle in frustration. At first you were shocked but that quickly turned into laughter.

"So you were just jealous. It all make sense now" you chuckled. Stopping his stomping, he looked at you.

"Huh? Toshinori glanced at you as if you had just rapped to Eminem to him.

"Okay, let me clarify this. Present Mic is just a friend. Nothing more and nothing less Toshinori. Plus I could never love my best friend, it'd be weird. You misunderstood it all" you explain  as you flashed a smile.

"Just a friend" exhaled Toshinori. At least he knew that you didn't like Present Mic. What that meant that...

"Then be my girlfriend! I'll treat you like a queen! Please!"  asked Toshinori as he got down on his knees and begged.

"O-Oh, uh" you said scratching your head.

"Um, sure?" you said with uncertainty but Toshinori was overjoyed with your answer as he began dancing his on the spot victory dance.

This is dedicated to @blackhearted97 who was the one who request this. To all my Canadian readers, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! BE THANKFUL TODAY!! Well, I'm back... haven't done anything for a week (whoops.) It's getting colder :( My feet were frozen this morning. Hope you all liked this chapter. Requests are open and have a nice day/night!

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