Yagi Toshinori | Markers

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Drinking a nice hot cup of (favourite hot beverage), you sat next to a large window that allowed a bunch of sunlight to flow into your nice cozy apartment. To your left was a small baby monitor that let out cute small snores from your sleeping baby boy. To your right, hogging the whole couch was your husband Toshinori sleeping away.

Chuckling at the sight, you remembered all the times where Toshinori would crash onto the couch after long nights of work and not even bothering to walk an extra ten steps to go to the bed. You remembered yourself dragging a large fluffy blanket that was twice your size just to cover him up and to prevent him from catching a cold.

Sighing softly, you glanced out of the large window before hearing small cries coming from the baby monitor.

"Yes, yes mommy's coming" you muttered as the cries for you got louder and louder. Walking through the play room filled with stuffed animals and toys along with crafts, you finally go to a door with a small sign that said '(son's name).'

Opening the door with a small creak, you saw a little boy in his crib jumping around being the little ray of sunshine he is.

"Good afternoon sweetheart. How was your nap?" you cooed as you approached him. Looking at you, (son's name) sticks out his little tongue at you. At first, you took that offensively until you realized that it meant that he wants to play. Odd little boy.

"Dada" he babbles.

"No it's Mama" you smile while gently poking his nose. Toshinori was always the favourite one, it's always been quite obvious. But sometimes, he'll let his mom be the favourite for the day.

Picking him out of the crib, you carried the infant to the play room, where the toys were still scattered everywhere. Once you put him down, he immediately crawled to a bucket full of markers and started to smash it into the foam play mat before scribbling all over a large piece of paper that was laid in one corner.

While you were watching (son's name) play, an idea popped into your. Even though you will probably be punished for it later, the humour side of it will be worth it.

Picking up your son, markers still in hand, you carried him to the living room where Toshinori was sleeping away. Placing him on your husband's stomach, you took one marker from (son's name) and drew a mustache which made him giggle. Putting a finger to your lips, you handed the marker back and the pointed at Toshinori's face to signify for (son's name) to draw on it.

Grinning like a Cheshire cat, your son started to scribble on Toshinori's face without a care in the world. If mommy  says that it's okay, then it must be okay.

As (son's name) drew all over your husband's face, you couldn't help but take a video to share with your friends. Near the end, you used your free hand to create a small heart before ending it.

And just when you ended it, you saw Toshinori's eyes beginning to open. With that you quickly placed your son on a different couch so that Toshinori wouldn't be suspicious to what just happened.

Sitting up, he looks  towards you and you couldn't help but stifle a laugh. Your son has done a wonderful job on the drawing he had just done. Poor Toshinori had scribbles all over his face.

"What's so funny?" he asks as (son's name) began to laugh at the top of his lungs.

"Nothing sweetie. You look beautiful"

This is dedicated to @adriigee who was the one who requested this. Well long time no see! Sorry for not updating in such a long time which I apologize for. Hopefully that this really cute and adorable. I got this idea from a commercial that popped up while I was watching stuff on YouTube. The ONLY time where ads are useful. Anyways requests are open have a  nice day/night!!!

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