Katsuki Bakugou | Stupid

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"B-Bakugou-san! I-I like you!" you mumbled quickly before shoving him a bunch of store bought chocolates.

"Huh?" Bakugou tilts his head as he didn't catch what you've just said. Glaring at your small figure, he knows he had never seen you before. 

"I LIKE YOU!" you say louder with more confidence. 

"E-Even though I don't have a q-quirk, I still w-want to be with you!" 

You watch him stare at you with a scowl as he glares at you, causing you to regret putting so much confidence into your confession.

He clicked his tongue and turned around to walk away, leaving you with questions. Did he reject you? Were you too loud? Too quiet?

Turning his head around, he spat by your feet.

"Like hell I'd date a quirkless nobody" he hissed before walking away, breaking your heart in the process.

Gulping back tears, you went back to class. Opening the door to the class, you saw a sight that you instantly wanted to forget.

"Ha ha (L/N) thought she could get Bakugou-san even though she's quirkless! What a joke!" a classmate mocked. On the blackboard 'hopeless quirkless (L/N)' was written. What in the name of god made you deserve all of this. 

---- Couple of Years Later ----

It's been quite a few years after your confession to Bakugou. You remember being so heart-broken after that incident that you shut everyone out. Looking back on that, you might've over reacted. After all it was petty crush, right?

Entering your class, you to your desk and placed your bag on top of the smooth surface. It wasn't long until you saw your friend Shinsou, walk in. 

"Morning Shinsou" you greeted him with a smile. Sitting down at his own desk not too far from yours, he greeted you back. Since you knew you weren't able to make it into U.A/Yuuei because you were born without a quirk, you applied through general studies. Luckily enough for you, you had the highest marks in your middle school so the general studies exams were a breeze. 

"Hey I saw Bakugou today. He was swearing his mouth off at that kid with green hair" Shinsou says, leaning back in his chair. Since Shinsou didn't go to the same middle school as you did, you filled him in with everything that had happened, including your confession and the bullying that came with it. 

Blushing a light pink, you pouted and looked away. 

"Why are you telling me this" you said, looking away from him. It was silent for a while before you heard him chuckle.

"Because you're still into him (L/N)" you could bet a million dollars that he was grinning. Sighing, you turned back around and rested your face in the palm of your left hand.

"I wish I could forget about him" you frown. 

"You could, but you're refusing to do so. I mean I'd leave my crush if they rejected me like that" Shinsou replied messing up your hair. 

"Shinsou!" you called out trying to fix your hair.

"You still like him (L/N). Accept that fact" he said once the teacher walked in, slamming his books down and declaring that you guys had a test to do.


"What the actual fuck is wrong with me?" Bakugou mutters to himself as he throws his bag across the class, where it's contents flew everywhere.

"Bakugou! These textbooks are special U.A/Yuuei's-" Iida began scolding him before...

"Shut the hell up four eyes" he snarled at Iida walking to his desk with his hands in his pocket. 

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