Katsuki Bakugou | Calm Down Bro

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Warning: Swearing because Bakugou is a pro at it

You were known as the chill, fun girl in Class 1-A. Not only you were nice and approachable,  you were good at pretty much at everything you do. Because of this, you were friends with both girls and boys. You were also the wonderful girlfriend of the King of Explodokills, Bakago- er Bakugou.

"OMG that last episode of the Walking Dead last night was so epic!" you exclaimed as you, Kaminari and Kirishima were discussing about the newest episode of the Walking Dead.

"They were so badass in the middle of the episode like POW! SLICE! PEW PEW!" shouted Kirishima who used his hardening quirk to display the moves he saw on the TV.

"What the fuck do you think you're talking about with my girlfriend fuckers?" asked Bakugou harshly as stomps over to where you Kirishima and Kaminari was.

"Gotta bolt, Mr. Obsessive is here" smirks Kaminari as he whispered that into your ear on purpose just to piss Bakugou off.

"DON'T FUCKING WHISPER STUFF INTO MY GIRL'S EAR YOU ELECTRIC ASSHOLE" shouted Bakugou, not caring about the other students around the classroom. Snickering to themselves, Kirishima and Kaminari walked pass Bakugou as if nothing happened.

"What did I say? Don't talk to any assholes" he ordered. Smiling like an angel, you placed a hand on his arm.

"Does that include you?" you grinned as you waited for the Bakugou to answer.

"Yes it doe- WAIT NO! I'M NOT A MOTHERFUCKING ASSHOLE!" yelled Bakugou as veins popped onto his forehead. Chuckling, you patted his back and headed to your seat where class would begin.

Phys. Ed - Period 4

"Alright in partners, you're going to fight another pair. This training for fighting villains and other heroy stuff. Now let's get going so I can sleep" said Aizawa-sensei as he slides into his sleeping bag.

"(F/N)" said Bakugou as he looks at you with the 'partners?' look. Nodding your head, you skipped over to Bakugou.

"Okay (F/N) and Bakugou, go fight Kirishima and Kaminari" orders Aizawa-sensei. As you two head over to the arena, you heard Bakugou mumbling under his breath about something.

"3, 2, 1 GO!" yelled the class you guys started the fight. Kirishima and Kaminari makes a great team you had to admit, but you and Bakugou was good too. Until...

"THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR GETTING TOO CLOSE WITH (F/N) YOU TWO DICKHEADS WITH NO SPERM!" shouted Bakugou as he begins to go crazy. You stood there with wide eyes when he shouted that. Everyone was too, including Kirishima and Kaminari. 

As Bakugou was about to blow Kirishima and Kaminari up, Aizawa-sensei stepped in using his quirk to erase Bakugou's quirk and his scarf to bind him.

"HEY LET ME GO!" yelled Bakugou as he squirmed in the scarf.

"Keep your hormones to yourself" sighs Aizawa-sensei as he throws Bakugou down.

Walking up to him, you crouched down and lend him a hand.  Accepting it, you pull Bakugou up.

"(F/N), I'm sorry about that outbreak. I was just je-je-jeal-" struggled Bakugou because he didn't want to say that word. It would hurt his dignity for eternity.

"Jealous?" you raised an eyebrow as you guess what he was trying to say. Looking away sheepishly, he nodded.

"Yeah" Chuckling at his response, you put your hands on your hips.

"You need to calm down bro" you smirk as Bakugou sighs and walks away at your attempt to be cool.

"(F/N), word of advice, don't use bro. Only bros can use bros" explains Kaminari as Kirishima was laughing in the back.

This is dedicated to @tento- who was the one who requested this. I had no idea on how to write a yandere someone help. In a way, this was hella cringy and cliché to me but I'm too lazy to change it. Hope this is good (?) Requests are open and have a nice day/night!

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