Shouto Todoroki | Chocolate

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Ringing the doorbell, you stood there waiting at Todoroki's house holding your pillows,  blanket and pajamas. Your boyfriend Todoroki invited you over to sleep over at his place.

"Wahh! You're Shouto's girlfriend right! You're cuter in person!" said a boy with white hair and red streaks before getting smacked in the head with an older lady with a similar hairstyle and glasses.

"Fuyumi! What was that for?" whined the boy as he clutched his head as he waddled off into the house.

"Sorry for his behaviour. I'm Fuyumi, Shouto's older sister. I heard lots about you (F/N), please to meet you" introduced his sister as she shook your hand and led you in his house. His house was a very traditional Japanese house with those multiple empty rooms.

"So um, Fuyumi right?" you asked as she nodded.

"Where's Shouto?" you asked as you looked around to see that your boyfriend wasn't in the room.

"He's out shopping for groceries" smiled Fuyumi as she took your stuff and placed them into a closet. Just then, the door opens to reveal a bicoloured hair boy that you loved.

"SHOUTO!" you squealed as you flinged yourself on him. You gave him a quick kiss on his cheek before letting go.

"Hey (F/N). Here, I got you a gift"  you smiled as he hands you a plastic bag.

"A GIFT?!" two boys, one you recognize as the boy that got smacked by Fuyumi and the other you assumed was his brother. They came racing in and surrounded you.

"What are you waiting for? Open it!" encouraged one of the two as the other one nodded along. Opening the plastic bag, you found a teddy bear hold a box of chocolates with a 'I Love You' message written on it.

"It's cute" you smiled as you hugged the bear. The two boy did a squeal before running to their younger brother.

"Shouto not only did you got a girlfriend, but I hate to admit it..." said one before they said it at the same time.

"You're quite the romantic guy aren't you!" they said. You chuckled, Todoroki's family is quite fun.

After watching a movie and making cookies, you and Todoroki finally got some alone time in his room. Like all the other bedrooms, it was a traditional styled room. Lying down on his bed, opened the box that the teddy bear held and ate a chocolate.

"Wow, this is delicious!" you gawked as you instantly went to go grab another one and melting in it's goodness.

"I'm glad you like it" said Todoroki as he hugged you from behind. Picking up another chocolate, you hand fed him the chocolate.

"See? It's simply delicious" you exclaimed as he chews on the chocolate. As you were about to grab another one, Todoroki kissed you and forced the chocolate into your mouth (gross but it's cute?)

Licking your lips, you smiled at him.

"Mmm, somehow it tastes better" you smirked. Chuckling he cuddled you, and licked the extra chocolate from your mouth hoping that it won't be nasty.

The rest of the night you two slept soundly together. And let's ignore the fact that a sister and two brothers were nosily taking a thousand pictures while you two were asleep while whispering things like 'I hope they get married' and 'they're too cute.'

This is dedicated to @thearkenstone07 who was the one who requested this chapter. Here's a chapter that makes little to no sense. I rewritten this chapter twice before saying 'you know what, screw it. I writing a different plot' and ended with this, 'chapter.' Hope it's fine. Requests are open and have a nice day/night!

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