Tenya Iida | Thief Catcher

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Shopping at your favourite mall, you bought a lot of items ranging from clothing, perfumes, scented candles, sugar scrub and makeup just for fun of it. Today it wasn't too busy at the mall so service has been quick which is always good.

Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, you smiled up at the clouds for no particular reason. You watched as birds flew in small group, flapping their wings to some sort of rhythm across the sky. Their chirps were melodious like mini choir among themselves.

Proceeding to exit the mall, you set out to walk back home with your purchases. There was a slight breeze, making the orange and red leaves on trees fall. Speaking of fall, this time of year was your favourite. You were never a fan of the hot summer days and cold winters but fall in your opinion, was right in the middle with a bit more on the cooler side.

As you walked home, you suddenly felt the bags from your hands along with your purse get ripped off. Standing there in shock for a moment, you saw that your personal belongings in your purse get and your purchases get taken away with a man wearing all black.

"Someone help! That man robbed me!" you yelled out while pointing out to the man who was running away with your stuff.

Meanwhile while looking for some pens and pencils, Iida heard your voice yelling out.

"Someone help! That man robbed me!"

Reacting quickly, he dropped everything and ran out the store to look for the robber. When a flash of black ran by him with bags of feminine stuff and purse, he instinctive reached out to grab him only to feel nothing but air. Looking at the man who continued to run away he broke out in a sprint using his quirk to give him that extra boost.

'This is what heroes do!' Iida thought to himself as he ran. With his quirk, catching up to the robber was  easy. Grabbing the collar of his shirt, Iida yanking him back. The robber dropped all of your belongings. Picking them up, the crowd around him already called the cops who came in mere seconds which is surprising since cops take forever to get to the scene.

"Thank you young man for catching this thief" thanked a police officer as he handed Iida a lollipop. How old does this officer think he was?! Five? Sighing, he did what other people would've said.

"It'd no problem. I'll be returning these to the owner" said Iida as he walked towards you. As he was walking, he found you running towards him with a tired expression.

"Here are your stuff" he exclaimed as he gave back your shopping bag and purse. Looking inside the bag to make sure everything was in there, sighed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you so, so much. I have to thank you somehow" you smiled which made Iida's heart start kick-boxing inside of him.

"Oh, y-you don't h-have to-" he started before you cut him off.

"BUT I INSIST!" sighing he thought about his reward to come to one thought that kept coming back.

"So how about a date?" he asked despite his mind screaming  at him but he listened to his heart.

"Really? If that's all you want then sure" you smiled as the two discussed about a day time to go out. Iida was so glad he listened to his heart and not his mind. If he did, he wouldn't would have landed a date with you.

This is dedicated to @liffiachan who was the one who requested this. To be honest, I wanted to this for a long time but alas, I've done it! I was listening to BTS while writing this and just saying, they are an awesome KPOP group. My fav is Jungkook 'cause he's soo cute!!! Well, requests are open (no lemons) and have a nice day/night!

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