Katsuki Bakugou | Prove It Pt.3 [FINAL] LEMON

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Warning: This chapter contains sexual activity and swearing blah blah blah. Let's get this done shall we?

After what happened behind the gym, you and Bakugou were officially the new couple of class 1-A.

"Bakugou keep your hormones to yourself" scolded Aizawa-sensei as he caught Bakugou staring at your breasts in the middle of class. Blushing, you quickly turned away and covered them with your arms. You know that you shouldn't be embarrassed but if your boyfriend was staring at your chest in the middle of class and your teacher notices, well you have now a very awkward and  embarrassing situation.

"Who the fuck told you that I can't see my own girlfriend's body? Huh what was that? Thought so" spat Bakugou as his cheeks turn a rosy pink colour. It seemed like he was talking to himself. All throughout class, he was staring at your various body parts but Aizawa-sensei didn't call out about it since it'd be too much to deal with Bakugou.

"So do you want to do it?" you asked after class with your arms folded across your chest making your breasts look bigger.

"Nah, too bothersome. Let's go home babe" he shrugged as he draped an arm onto your shoulder. Exiting the school and going to your usual route home, you heard someone calling your name.

"Hey (L/N)-san!" Turning around, you saw one of your old neighbours from your old city before you moved out.

"(Neighbour's name)! Long time no see!" you greeted as you left Bakugou's embrace to go shake hands with your old neighbour. After a short conversation, the two of you left and walked home in to separate directions.

"Who was that asshole?" questioned Bakugou. You've heard this tone of voice before. It usually meant that he was jealous or was concerned.

"Oh him? He was my neighbour from my old neighbourhood. He moved here over the summer for a job" you informed Bakugou who seem displeased with the new information you gave him.

"Didn't I tell you that you were mine and mine only?" he asks with a harsh tone. Looking at him strangely, you nodded your head slowly.

"You didn't seem to get that message. Care for me to demonstrate?" he whispered seductively as he grabs your hand and bolted to his house.

Slamming the door closed, he pulled you upstairs and into his bedroom. His bedroom was an absolute utter mess. Clothes were everywhere on the floor and homework over filled he trash bin.

Swooping you up and throwing you onto his bed, he tore your skirt off and underwear off and started to massage the area where your clit is causing some inaudible noises from your mouth.

"I'll show you who you belong to" he smirks as he starts to lick your lower region. His tongue swirled around and around your clit giving you an indescribable sensation down there. How is he this talented with a tongue?!

A familiar feeling emerged from your stomach saying that you were close.  As he continued to suck up all your juices from your womanhood, you felt yourself coming closer and closer until...

"Why'd you stop?" you ask just as it was getting good.

"Tch, if I make you cum now, it'd be all over my face and not my dick" he says as he unzips his pants and takes off his underwear. Just as you thought, he couldn't hold back from his very large boner.

Sitting on the back with his back leaning against the head board, he lift you up until your entrance was touching his member.

"You ready?" he questions. His voice had a hint of eagerness in it, well who wouldn't resist that body of yours.

Nodding your head, he slowly lowered you onto his member. Then without any warnings, he start moving his hips up and down at a very fast pace.

"Y-You're going to f-fast" you moaned as he kept at it.

"Well the faster you go, the more my girl is going to cum" he grunts as he kept thrusting his hip, making them his hit yours when they go into contact. Puh puh puh puh

His member started twitching inside you as if saying that he was almost at his limit. And you were too.

"T-Together Katsuki" you squeak out as he nodded his head at you and not until long, the two of you shot out buckets worth of cum.

"Make me fucking jealous again and I'll make sure you can't walk for a month" says Bakugou as he falls next to you. If making him jealous allows you to have sex with him then... you gotta flirt with lots of guys!

This is dedicated to @tento- who was the one who requested this. This is the final 'prove it' chapter so there won't be any more. School has been bombing me with a lot of school work. OVER 20 assignments due in six weeks!! Like why :'(. Thank you very, very much for over 1K VOTES. You guys are the best, pat yourself on the back. Requests are OPEN (no lemons though, if you request them I'm not going to do it) and have a nice day/night!

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