Hitoshi Shinsou | A Thousand Apologies

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Warning: Mentions of death, cutting and many other things that one does in depression. Do not read if you're uncomfortable reading that type of stuff

"(F/N) I think we should break up" said Shinsou who was your boyfriend of a week.

"W-What are you talking about?" you asked not sure if you were hearing it right.

Hitoshi Shinsou of class 1-C was your boyfriend. You followed him to U.A/Yuuei from middle school because that's how strong your feelings were for the blue haired boy.

When he asked you out you were overjoyed. But clearly, it was all just a game.

"Me dating you was just a dare. So it's been a week and the dare ended. But I want-" he only said that much before you ran down the stairs with tears streaming down your face.

Me dating you was just a dare

Running to a nearby tree in the schoolyard, you sat with your head in your hands. Little voices going off in your head. Not exactly good voices either.

'See (F/N) nobody needs you, you're just a toy'

'If you were to leave this world, nobody would miss you'

'You were always blinded for love. When you chase after it, look what happened'

'Why did you think a loser like you would ever make a boy like him love you?'

The voices, it was the truth. Well you certainly thought they were. Maybe you were a loser, auseless, blind, nobody loser.

The day after, you haven't recovered from the 'incident.' Many eyes stared at you. People mocked you in class.

"(L/N) what does heart break feels like?" mocked a boy.

When you didn't answered, they pushed you to the tiled floor, causing your elbow to bleed.

This is what pain feels like

"Tsk, leave her be. We shouldn't bother with a loser anyways" said another. Biting your lip, your tried to resist the urge to cry. But you failed miserably as you cried on the floor, creating a small puddle of tears that reflected your hated image of yourself.

When you got home, you went to the kitchen and grabbed a small knife that looked like a scapel. Pressing the knife onto your skin, you made a deep cut along the side of your arm.

Doing it three times over, you ended with four freshly made, self-made cuts. It hurt, a lot but all you could think of was that you deserved it. Every cut on you.

That was your daily routine, you'd come home and make a new cut somewhere on your body. Until, you had an even better idea.

You called in sick for school the next day. Only thing was, you weren't sick. Walking the rainy streets, you headed over to the side of a tall bridge with fast, rushing waters and many large stones.

'Jump (F/N), it'd be good for the world. After all, who'd miss you anyways. The world already has seven billion people in it anyways. Losing one wouldn't be a big deal' the voice in your head said.

Chuckling to yourself, you climbed over the tall bridge's ledge, standing on a small piece of concrete from the bridge itself.

Looking around to make sure no one was near, you took a deep breath.

"Good bye world, it was nice meeting you. I have no words for anyone because no one seems to care about me. When one isn't cared or loved by at least one person, then they have no right to be alive because they are considered as useless walking flesh" you said as you said your final words.

You let go of the railings as you leaned forward and shut your eyes. Your mind went blank.

Opening them again once more, you saw that you were in the middle of the bridge that you supposedly fell off of.

Turning around you was Shinsou sprinting at you.

Is this what ghosts are like. They walk around the Earth invisible but can see everything going on around them? Well that sucks

"(F/N)!" Shinsou called out as he had a worried look on his face? This left you in a really confused state. Weren't you dead?

He ran closer and closer to you until he engulfed you in a hug.

"(F/N) I'm so so so so sorry. I wanted to tell you that day but you left because I shattered your heart. Not even a thousand apologies can make up for what I've done. That day I wanted to tell you that I've loved you and right after the dare I wanted to ask you out properly so you can be my real girlfriend. Please don't leave. You are are loved and cared for and don't ever think like that again. And if you left this world I would hate myself everyday for that. Please, I need you" sobbed Shinou as he held you tightly as if you were going to disappear.

"Am I still alive?" you asked yourself, immediately regretting falling off that bridge.

"Yes you are. I brainwashed you so you wouldn't have fallen off. When you weren't here today I knew something wasn't right" he said through tears.

Maybe love was with you and you were too busy seeing the darkness of things that you forgot about the light that shined right in front of you.

Either way, you now cherished your life more than ever now.

This is dedicated to @blackhunter13 who was the one who requested this chapter. I usually don't cry or feel any emotions for anything but this one tugged at my heart. But over all I'm in a good mood because I've finished writing a killer story and that I passed my skating (figure) test!! Yay me! Well requests are open  and have a nice day/night!

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