Neito Monoma | Nuisance

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"Shut up hard head!" you yell as you and your brother press your foreheads together.

"Oh yeah?! You're just as hard headed as me!" Eijiro retorted back activating his quirk. Bickering like this was quite common. You two has always done it since  you were born, quite literally.

"You're twins?! But you don't look like it!" younger ones would say. Then goes through the process of how even twin don't need to look alike. Fraternal twins are just as common as identical twins.

"But you're a girl and he's a boy!" another argument young children would say. But you usually give them a half answered response to their question. So what were you two bickering about this time.

"Even as a girl you don't need to spend over an hour in the bathroom! I had to go pee in the backyard because you took too long! That destroyed my manly pride!" yelled Eijiro.

"Well it's not my fault that my hair knots up so easily! Boys like you don't know the daily struggle of having to make your hair look presentable everyday!" you argued back. Your classmates were quite used to it now. The bickering that is.

"Are they arguing again?" wonders Midoriya as he sets his stuff on top of his desk. Sighing, Uraraka and Iida nodded. The two of you were a mystery, one day you'll be on each others' nerves and the next you guys will be super jolly and wouldn't let anything get in between you two.

You were the older twin by the proud 3 minutes. It does come in  handy when you need to win an argument. But then again he was taller by a mere 4 centimetres. But the both of you do share many similarities. You both have a hardening quirk, likes to sleep in class and are quite friendly. Well in your case, friendly to people you want to.

Soon enough it was dismissal and just your luck, you and class 1-B's Monoma crossed paths.

"Ha look at who we have here! Oh so mighty class 1-A!" mocks Monoma as one of his classmates whom he was walking with sighs and shakes her head. Upon the sight of Monoma, Eijiro's eyebrow immediately twitched in annoyance while you roll your eyes at Monoma's remark.

"Why does class 1-A gets all of the attention? In my eyes, they're a bunch of losers. Everyone except my dear (F/N)" he states as he winks at you. You don't even know when it started but apparently Monoma has taken a liking to you. But Eijiro doesn't approve of it, not one tiny bit.

"Stop hitting on my sis you weirdo!" Eijiro as he shakes his fist getting ready to fight him. It took all of your strength to hold him back while Monoma was laughing hysterically.

"Oh (F/N) why are you so beautiful compared to your class? You're like a diamond that shines brightly in a room full of dull rocks!" smiles Monoma as he puts a hand to his chest. You cringed at what he just said. It appears Eijiro thought the same way.

"Look, we have some place to be so if you excuse us" you say grabbing Eijiro's wrist and walking towards the exit. But Monoma wasn't gonna let you go so soon.

As you were passing by him, Monoma swiftly picked you up bridal style and spun you around causing you to shriek.

"Monoma what the heck are you doing" his classmate says. To her dismay, Monoma ignored her completely.

"(F/N) this is how I'll carry you down the aisle on our wedding day" smirks Monoma as his face slowly moved closer to your face. What he just said definitely surprised you but you had another trick up your sleeve. You activated your hardening quirk and head butted him really, really hard.

"And this Monoma, is how I'll knock you out every time you become a dick" you retorted pleased at your action and statement. Everyone was surprised at your response. You swore you could see tears forming in Eijiro's eyes.

"(F/N)... THAT WAS SO MANLY! NO WONDER YOU ARE MY SISTER!" exclaimed Eijiro as he engulfs you in a deathly bear hug.

"E-Eijiro. I-I can't breathe" you squeak as you pat his back. He lets go and starts to ruffle up your hair.

"A stubborn one I see. Well that's what makes the reward so much better" Monoma mutters as he rubs his forehead.

"Oh don't worry (F/N) one day you'll be-" started Monoma as his classmate punchs him in the face.

"Oh stuff it will ya?" the classmate yells at Monoma before bowing to you and Eijiro.

"I am sorry on his behalf. He truly is an obnoxious idiot sometimes" she apologizes.


"Sometimes? Always" Eijiro mutters.

"I heard that!"

"What?" Eijiro plays along as he pretends that he didn't say anything.

"You guys are such bullies! Save me (F/N)!"

"As if" you smirk as you walk out the school.

This is dedicated to @saikyorin who was the one who requested this. This took three days to write and it's so short too. Well it's been over one year that this one shot book has started and in that time we've gotten over 200K views and over 6K votes. Honestly, I started this one shot book to relieve my boredom and wasn't expecting this at all so thank you all so much for this unexpected accomplishment! Requests are CLOSED and have a good day/night!

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