Denki Kaminari | 10 Kisses

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1: Forehead

"Hey (F/N)!" your boyfriend Kaminari called out. You were currently on your way to the grocerious store to buy some things that your mother requested. Kaminari just happen to spot you.

"Oh Denki! What a nice surprise to see you here" you smiled as you waited for Kaminari to catch up. Once he did, he kissed you on your forehead, similar to how he first kissed you.

"(F/N), I'm going to give you ten different kisses in the next few days. That forehead one was the first. Remember that's how I first kissed you" Kaminari smiled cheekily. This ten kisses thing will be really intersesting, especially at how he could think of ten different ones.

2: Cheek

One day, you and Kaminari decided to take a walk out in a nearby park. The sun was shining to it's fullest with a bit clouds to provide you with shade once in a while. As you passed by a beautiful pond with lots of baby ducks, you couldn't help but stare at with awe.

"So beautiful" you gasped with your mouth hanging open. Suddenly, you felt a pair of lips on your cheeks. Looking in that direction, you saw that Kaminari was holding up two fingers.

"Kiss number two! The cheek kiss, I heard that it means adorable. Which in my eyes, you are every second of the day" said Kaminari as he grabbed your hand, signally to continue the walk.

3: Belly Button

Currently you were over at Kaminari's house for a sleepover. But that sleepover managed to turn into a pillow fight. You were surpised at how his pillows didn't beak yet.

"Take this Denki!" you laughed as you swung the pillow that hit him square in the stomach. Kaminari did an over dramatic 'oof' and fell to the ground with one hand holding his stomach and the other across his forehead.

"Ugh, I give up. You win" groaned Kaminari. You happily jumped up and down as your victory dance. Kaminari thought he would ruin your fun.

While you were dancing, Kaminari pinned you down onto his bed. Smirking to himself, he slowly lifted up for sleeping shirt just enough so that it only revealed your tummy.

"D-Denki? What are you-" you were cut off with many kisses to you stomach causing you laugh and scream out.

"Cu-cut i-it o-out! You kn-know I'm tick-ticklish" you giggled out as Kaminari kept kissing you.

"It's. Called. The. Belly. Button. Kiss. Kiss. Number. Three. Complete" Kaminari said in between kisses. You were in for a long night.

4: Blow

You and Kaminari were watching a movie. It was (favourite movie) and the both of you were enjoying it.

"(F/N), I want to show you something" Kaminari said out of nowhere. After swallowing your mouthful of popcorn, you turned to look at him.

With a swift movement, your lips were locked with his. But that was only half the act. Kaminari blew into your mouth making you cheeks puff out.

"Again" you giggled as he did it to you again and again.

"Kiss number four is done" Kaminari grined as put up a thumbs up.

5: French

After your pretty heated up make-out session, you realized something.

"Denki, we didn't kiss" you pouted at him. Chuckling to himself, he grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him. So close that you can feel his breath against yours.

"Don't worry babe, I saved it for the end" whispered Kaminari and presses his lips with yours. Biting your lips for permission, you willingly accepted his tongue. Your and his tonge swirled together. It all ended too soon when it was time to break the kiss for some air.

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