Katsuki Bakugou | Speeding

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Warning: There will be swearing because it's Bakugou

You were quite well known in town. Being the police officer with an amazing quirk to catch the villains. At first, you wanted to be a hero, but then when you got older, you realised that being a hero isn't worth the time and effort. So you settled in as a police officer.

Being a police officer was the best path in life you took. You got an awesome car, guns and a beating stick, handle situations when things go back oh and you can't forget the taser!

Driving in your beautiful police car, you were doing your usual shifts at night. It was currently 2:05 in the morning and there wasn't a car on the road. Cruising along the highway, a bright light appears behind you. Looking in your rear view mirror, you saw a car driving.

It passed you with an astonishing speed of 196 km/hr. That's 96 km/hr faster than the speed limit! Pushing on the gas pedal, you drove quickly to catch up to the driver while turning on your sirens.

The sirens wailed as you quickly drove up to the car.

'200km/hr! This guy is going to get a ticket when I get my hands on him!' you thought to yourself as you switched gears. You were determined to get this guy.

Soon you closed in on him and you used the front of the police car the bumped the rear end of the car you were chasing. With the speed, the car drifted sideways with a loud screech before coming to a complete stop.

Getting out of the car, you turned on your flashlight and walked over to the car you were chasing. The metal shine against your light as you proceeded to make your way over to the vehicle.

When you got to the driver's window, the driver was slouched down with his arms folded on his chest. His eyes looked like they were going to murder someone, especially with his explosive sandy blonde hair.

Knocking on the window, he pulled down the window so you can speak.

"Sir you were speed on this highway with the speed of 214 km/hr. That is over 100 km faster than the speed limit. I'm afraid I'll have to give you a ticket" you said while writing a ticket for the man.

"Nobody is on this shitty ass highway. There is nothing that I can fucking hit" grumbled the man.

"Watch the language" you hissed as you glared at him.

"Plus you wrecked the back of my motherfucking car that I had to pay for. Do you even know how fucking long it took me to make enough fucking money to buy this piece of shit?" he reasoned. Looking back, you did messed up the back pretty badly.

"Well sorry about that" you said sarcastically.

"Well sorry about that" mocked the man like how a child would do if they were mad. Your eyebrow twitched with anger.

"What was that?" you shouted. He tensed up and replied with a quick 'nothing.' Writing down the last bit of the ticket, you forgot to include the name.

"Name?" you asked.

"Bakugou Katsuki" he replied with anticipation, probably wanting to get out of here.

"This is the first warning" you said tearing off the piece of paper and handing it over to him.

"I can go?!" he asked too quickly. Sighing, you nodded your head and allowed him to leave. And with that, he sped off to who knows where.

Going back to your car, you started the engine and started driving again.

'He was interesting. Maybe he'll speed again tomorrow' you smile to yourself about your chance encounter with Bakugou Katsuki.

This is dedicated to @britneybiju who was the one who requested this chapter. I'm not going to be around during this weekend because I'm going on a trip (on my favourite rocket ship. Sorry I had to do that) to somewhere but I'll be back Monday. Also, in Canada (that's where I live) the speed limit here on the highway is 100 km/hr. Requests are open and have a nice day/night

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