Yagi Toshinori | Secret

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Stop it (F/N)! He's your teacher! You're 18! Get a grip!

Even then, you couldn't help but stare at your teacher. All Might has been your idol since you were young. Slowly but surely, you somehow managed to fall in love with him.

"(L/N), (L/N)!" called All Might. You quickly snap your head up at the person who called you.

"U-uh, yes All M-Might-sensei?" you stuttered once you found out that it was him that called you.

"What are the three types of Quirk categories?" he asked. You thought hard, you should know this. You learnt it in your first year.

"Umm, Emmiter, Mutant and uh, Transformation?" you said unsure if it was all correct.

"CORRRRECT!" said All Might as he pointed a thumbs up at you, making you blush uncontrollably.

"Hey (L/N)-chan!" called Midoriya who was walking along side with Bakugou after class.

"Oh Midoriya and Bakugou, hi" you greeted while giving them a little wave.

"You have the hots for our teacher don't you" smirked Bakugou who got really close to you.

"W-What are you t-talking about?" you laughed nervously. Just then a large hand appeared on your shoulder that made you tense up. Turning around you see All Might looking happier than ever.

"Ah, my young girl (L/N) has a crush on a teacher?! My, my you have a taste in old men? Well I don't consider myself old but how about you tell me who?" asked All Might who practically shouted in your ear.

"Kacchan was only joking All Might! No need to know" chuckled Midoriya as he waved both of his hands.

"Are you sure Midoriya my boy?" asked All Might which Midoriya nodded his head too fast to be natural. Just before All Might could say one more thing, Present Mic had called him.

"That was way too close for comfort" you said as you put a hand to your heart to try and slow down your heart beat, even though that wouldn't work.

"So I was right!" grinned Bakugou as he set explosions off of his hands. This is going to be a long day.

Soon came winter and you had to bust out the winter gear. Only thing was, you were running terribly late and ran out in just your uniform. WORST DECISION EVER. You were shaking violently with the cold snowy breeze and you were sure that bluer than the ocean.

Walking ever so slowly to school, you suddenly felt a warm, large jacket draped over you. Turning around you saw a unwavering smile of All Might's.

"You're going to get sick (L/N)-chan" scolded All Might. Thanking him quietly, you two walked to school together.

"Hey All Might?" you said while twiddling with your thumbs. He replied with a loud 'hm?"

"Even though our age gap is rather large, I can't help but notice that I have fallen in love with you. I love every aspect of you and I want to be with you" you suddenly confessed. Dammit, why did you confess? You were supposed to ask him about last night'a homework! Oh god help you. All Might stopped walking once he heard your confession.

"Oh, uh. This is awkward. I heard rumours that you liked me, but I didn't if it was true. But yeah, I fell in love with you too. I scolded myself many times about how I should not love a student more than just a student. That is just... wrong. But despite that, I still thought about you everyday" All Might confessed back. At the moment, the cold winter breeze stopped blowing. You couldn't believe it. HE LIKES YOU TOO!!!

"So All Might, how about we keep our relationship a secret. Especially from school" you smiled at him holding out your pinky finger. He wrapped his own pinky finger around yours.

"A secret it is" he smiled back.

This is dedicated to @justmewoo who was the one who both requested and though of this plot, which I am very thankful for because I probably wouldn't know what to do with this chapter. Sorry if this sounded rushed, I wrote this on my phone and my Popsicle was melting. Anyways, requests are open and have a good day/night!!

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