Tomura Shigaraki | First Encounter

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"You know, from hearing about the villain alliance since it's been all over the news, your hideout is shit" you comment glancing around the rundown bar. 

"Well I'm sorry that you don't like my hideout. If you really hate it, then the door's behind you. Do yourself a favour and get out" Shigaraki stated harshly as he turns his drink to dust, making the particles fall onto the table he was sitting at. Freezing up, you quickly mustered up a smile, not falling anywhere short of it being a fake one.

"Oh I didn't mean it Shigaraki! Your place is amazing and I'd love to work here! So please let me join!" you grinned ear to ear hoping it'll convince Mr. Hand-man. Clicking his tongue, Shigaraki stood up from his bar stool. Today was your first day coming to join the villain alliance. Yeah... it's not going too well.

"Kurogiri, dispose this woman" he sneered as he opened the door that lead to who knows where. It could lead to Narnia for all you cared. Which was hella cool if you do say so yourself. 

"Ah, ah, ah! Where do you think you're going?" you ask as you activated your quirk. It was a simple quirk really. For about ten minutes, wherever you stepped, you have the ability to turn the ground to quicksand. Pretty darn handy in situations such as this one.

"Who let this bitch roam around?" Shigaraki hissed knowing full well of your quirk. His voice was specifically directed to Kurogiri who continued cleaning cocktail glasses pretending not to hear what his leader just said. Though it was true, the first thing you asked of him is for you to walk around the whole room. Just in case someone decided to leave early. 

Now usually when someone calls you a bitch, you'll beat their ass and dare them to say it again. Most don't. But, since you really wanted to join this villain alliance, you held back from trying to kill Shigaraki.

"I'll let you off the hook with calling me a bitch. So will you let me join?" you asked once again with a bit of hope in your voice. You were inspired by the villain alliance when they first made an attack on U.A/Yuuei's USJ centre. So inspired that you decided to join them. But then, seeing the leader of this villain alliance gave you a whole new reason to join. You were infatuated with the man hidden behind hands. There's something so charming about a mysterious man such as he.

You weren't a well known villain. Heck, people just thought of you as a pest that won't go away. Oh rude of them. Money isn't going to disappear by itself! All you did was stole was stole some paper. Paper that held a lot of value but that wasn't the point! Oh lets not forget a couple of credit cards here and there as well.

"I'll let you join if you stop being annoying" said Shigaraki as Kurogiri teleported him out of the quicksand. Your face beamed with joy.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH" you yelled bowing a full ninety degrees.

"You're already so annoying so I guess you'll have to leave" Shigaraki stated with no change of expression at all. 

You felt the anger fume inside of you.

"WELL EXCUSE YOU SIR! DO YOU WANT TO FIGHT? 'CAUSE I'LL FIGHT YOU RIGHT NOW!" you yell stomping your way to Shigaraki. Pointing an accusing finger at him as you put on your scariest expression you can make.


"Well since I'm the leader I can be annoying and no one can stop me. But you, you aren't the leader now are you" he says, exiting the room. You opened up your mouth to say something but quickly closed it. 

'Well two can play at that game Shigaraki' you thought as you stomped out the bar's doors.

The very next day, you went back to the bar with a new state of mind. 

"Let me join" you say full of confidence. You were only answered with silence.

"Hello anyone here?" you asked looking the room. This was odd. You could've sworn that they were going to be here today. Kurogiri said so yesterday.

Sighing you decided to leave and try again tomorrow. Spinning around on your heels, you exited the bar. Yes, you were a bit disappointed but never the less, you will stop at nothing if it means joining the villain alliance.

And that's exactly what you did. For months on end, you begged Shigaraki to let you in. You used everything you could to convince him. And for months on end, he thought of you as the most annoying person in the world.

"ALRIGHT FINE! I'LL LET YOU JOIN!" Shigaraki yelled, finally giving in. You smiled excitedly, you are finally able to join the  villain alliance. Your dream team. Who said teamwork makes dream works. You made it in all by yourself.

"YES!" you shout jumping up and down like a child. 


"Man, when you put it that way, you make me sound like a madman" you pout at your beloved.

"You haven't changed since" sighed Shigaraki. Years after your's and his first encounter, many things has changed. But, the only one worth mentioning is that now, you finally get to be with the man you always wanted. It was a hard journey, no doubt. But finally, not only did you join the villain alliance but you also managed to find a way into his heart just like how he did with yours. 

"But you love me regardless" you smile leaning your head onto his shoulder.

"Pft yeah right" he chuckles, rolling his eyes. Even through, he denies it verbally all the goddamn time, you know he loves you. The way he slyly looks at you from time to time and the way he surprises you with random gifts is enough for him to prove his love to you.

This is dedicated to @xKuroTsukix who was the one who requested this. Honestly, I feel like my writing has been really bad... Like it's trash now (not that it wasn't before.) I feel like this one is missing something but I can't put my finger on it... Sorry for the slow updates, I didn't really know where to go with this one but this is what I thought of. Are you guys having a great day? I hope you do. Requests are CLOSED and have a nice day/night!

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