Shouta Aizawa | Oblivious

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This is when Aizawa was in high school

(F/N) (L/N), the sweet, kind, caring girl of U.A/Yuuei. Aizawa never thought he'd like a girl like you but, he did.

He tried hinting it to you on multiple occasions. But you didn't take notice of them.


"Oh (L/N) let me, uh, help you carry those" he asked since you were carrying a stack of books. Your teacher had asked you to bring a bunch of books to the library since you were the class president.

"No need Aizawa-kun, I can manage" you smiled from the side of the stacked books.


"Your hair looks pretty today (L/N)" Aizawa complemented you. Smiling to yourself, unintentionally played with your hair.

"Really? I'm glad you noticed! You see, I tried out this new shampoo called (favourite shampoo) and it smells wonderful!" you ranted about your shampoo.

Blushing madly, he walked to his desk.

"Was that your attempt to flirt Aizawa?" laughed Present Mic. Hiding his face, he quickly uttered a 'no'


You were completely oblivious to the fact that he was trying to flirt with you. In your mind, he was just being nice.

Despite Present Mice telling him all the time, he just couldn't confess to you. He didn't know why, but he couldn't. Maybe he's afraid that you'll reject him or if the class finds out, they'll be teasing him forever.

"How am I supposed to tell her?" he said to himself as he laid down on the rooftop with his bag underneath his head.

Then, he heard a bunch of girls talking about you.

"It's (L/N)'s birthday next week, what should we get her?" said one girl.

"Something that she needs, oh I know! She needs a boyfriend" laughed another girl as the group all laughed together.

That's it! He'll give you a gift along with a confession note.

"The gift part was a great idea but the note was a terrible idea" said Present Mic as he crumpled up old, useless notes from class and threw it into the trash bin.

"How so?" Aizawa asked.

"Think about it, if a girl liked you and she have you a confession note, it wouldn't be romantic at all" reasoned Present Mic.

"Okay I understand and how do you know so much about romance and stuff" asked Aizawa.

"Once you watch Titanic, you can never go back" sighed Present Mic as he threw the last paper ball into the trash bin.

That night, he got you a very nice gift. It was (whatever you want because everyone is different) and boy, was it costly. But you are something that money can't buy, so the gift was worth nothing compared to you.

Before your birthday, he tried to hint that he likes you one last time before he tells you.

"Hi (L/N)" Aizawa said as you were walking by.

"Hi Aizawa-kun! How are you today?" you asked clearly happy about your day.

"I'm uh, doing fine and you?" That sentence did not stutter! Pat yourself on the back Aizawa.

"Oh I'm doing well" you replied. The two of you stood there in silence, not knowing what to say.

"So I'll see you around!" you chirped as you left the area before he can say anything else. Aizawa can already imagine Present Mic shaking his head in disappointment.

Today's the day. It's your birthday and he's going to tell you his feelings.

He made sure he looked good for this day as he made his way to your desk.

"Happy birthday (L/N)" he muttered. You looked at the gift in his hands.

"Aww Aizawa you shouldn't have!"you squealed as you examined your gift.

"(L/N), I like you would you go out with me?" he asked as he bowed. Why he bowed was beyond you.

"Um, sure. I um, like you too" you replied. Was he hearing right?

"Where would you like to go?" you asked. His prayers have been answered. He truly felt on top of the world.

Sometimes you just gotta be direct.

This is dedicated to @britneybiju who was the one who requested this chapter. Gomen if Aizawa was OOC. Since he was in high school I thought that he's act like that if he was in love. And I hope reader-chan was clueless. I tried my best. Also thank you guys so much for all the reads, votes and comments, they really make my day. Requests are open and have a nice day/night!

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