Neito Monoma | For You

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"Working overtime Officer (L/N)?" questions a fellow colleague of yours. Nodding your head you look up at him.

"It also appears that you're not going home anytime soon either Officer Monoma seeing as you're still in your uniform" you say. Monoma was your partner in your policing job. You heard all about his story on how he was a U.A/Yuuei student aiming for being a hero but later giving up on that dream to become a police officer. Truth to be told, you were in the same middle school as him and back then you had the biggest crush on him despite him being an absolute dick to you and everyone. But, you supposed that time made him nicer and your crush on him fade a bit so at least you weren't blushing and stuttering mess like you once were.

"Well I can't leave my partner to be doing all the paperwork now can I?" he smiles as he sits down on your desk, picking your unfinished paperwork that you have yet to complete.

"Damn, thievery is really popular right now" frowns Monoma as he looks at all the reports made by your subordinates. Pursing your lips you nodded. None of these people are hardcore villains but sometimes small crimes like these get annoying over time.

Grabbing a nearby chair, Monoma gestured you to move over to give him some desk space. Rolling your eyes, you reluctantly scootched over to make some room for him. 

Monoma was one of the best officers in town with no doubt. You've been aiming to become a police officer your whole life since becoming a hero was such a cliche goal for everyone. Besides, you weren't into the fame that heroes gain. More or less, you're socially awkward. But never once have you known the reason to why Monoma gave up being a hero and becoming a police officer instead. You've heard people ask him but he usually shrugs it off as a joke or making some lame excuse such as 'the gods told me that this was better' or some other excuse. But giving up in your third year at U.A/Yuuei after years training to become a hero doesn't seem right. 

Ten minutes has passed and only the scratching of the pencils on paper were heard in the dimly lit office. Occasionally you peered onto what Monoma was doing to see if he was doing alright but other than that no words were spoken. 

Ringgggg ringgggg

Sighing you picked up the ringing phone.

"Local police station, what is your concern?" you say lazily on the phone.

"M-My husband! He, he!" the woman on the other side of the line panicked.

"Ma'am I need you to calm down. I can't understand you otherwise" you say, twirling your pencil in your hand. Monoma glanced up from his stack of reports, curious to what the conversation might be.

"My husband has been kidnapped!" she exclaimed as you can hear her sob. Poking Monoma, you mouthed to him to get ready to leave.

"Okay ma'am we will be there shortly. May you tell us were this took place?" you ask her as you pull a post-it note from your desk.

"It was at the Italian restaurant by the shore" she says as she sniffs.

"Alright we will be there soon" you say as you hang up. Sighing, you got up from your desk and prepared to leave.

"Everything alright?" asks Monoma as he approaches you.

"Kidnapping at that Italian restaurant by the shore. C'mon let's go" you ordered as he nods.

Hoping into your police cruiser, Monoma took the driver's seat and sped off with the sirens going off. 

It took about 20 minutes to reach the crime scene. There you saw a woman crying by the entrance with about two waiters and waitresses with her. You gestured to Monoma to drive up to the entrance. Opening the door, you walked to the lady.

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