Yagi Toshinori | Attention

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It irks you. The fact that All Might always pays so much attention to his fangirls and not you makes you so mad. Oh, let's not forget the fact that you are his girlfriend The one that he went out of his way to make you say yes to his 'unconditional love.'

"All Might you're so cool!" a reporter smiles as she gets too close to him.

"Tell us about your life" asked another. All Might pointed a thumbs up.

"It's going great. I have everything I want!" said All Might as continued to answer his fans (who happened to be mainly females) while you sat on a nearby bench, glaring at the male.

"Hey (F/N), what's with the intense glare?" asked All Might as if nothing was wrong.

"What's with the intense glare? Don't act like you don't know! The fact that you go flirting with your fangirls despite the fact that you have a girlfriend! I'm starting to doubt dating you" you said that last part in a hushed mumble. Chuckling slightly, All Might placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Hehe, I'm sorry for that. But I guess I should be happy that  my girlfriend is jealous. Forgive me?" he asked with one of those innocent faces. Glaring, you only turned around to go home while he was following you like a lost puppy.

You knew that he was admired internationally and that you out of all people should understand that the most but feeling jealous is a common emotion. Yet, a part of you is still angry at him.


"All Might we love you!" squealed a group of girls once again. Sighing, you thought of ways to murder them without getting in trouble. He was having an unusually long chat with them. Like he was standing there for fifteen minutes talking to girls he shouldn't be talking to!

"All Might, why were you talking to those girls?" you questioned as he came back from his chat.

"I was talking about what's it like to be a hero since they asked" he said as he scratched his cheek. You might let this slide...



"That's it Yagi!" you yelled furiously as he came back with his photoshoot with the news reporters, admirers and fangirls.

"Hey didn't I tell you not to use my real name outside?" whispered All Might as he covered your mouth. Removing the hand from your mouth, you were ready to give him a scolding.

"And didn't I tell you not to hang out with your fangirls anymore?" you yelled as All Might flinched back. You did tell him, multiple times.

"Look I'm sorry, I promise that I'll stop" All Might desperately wanted to escape the anger wrath of (L/N) (F/N).

"Yeah, I'll take in that promise, when you start paying more attention to the person you love!" you screamed as you stormed away. He screwed up, and he knew it. Chasing after you, he grabbed your arms and looked you in the eye.

"(F/N), I screwed up I know. I should've cared more for you than them, I don't know them like you. If I can make it up to you, I will do anything in my power to make you happy and loved. Just name it. I need you like how the world needs me" he said. He isn't smiling, which meant he was sincere.

"Okay, I knew what would happen if I started dating you. I forgive you dummy. Besides, I can't have the number one hero making a fool out of himself." you smiled as you hugged him.

This is dedicated to @azsenel who was the one who requested this. When I was writing this, the first thing this reminded me of was Oikawa (Haikyuu) and Kise (KnB) because of how popular they are. Hope you enjoyed this :P Requests are open and have a nice day/night!

PS: How in the world did this story got 9K views, 500+ votes and 200+ comments? You guys are honestly the best (and you know you are ;)) I swear just a few chapters ago I said I got 6K views, 350+ votes and 100+ comments. This is unbelievable. Thank you guys so much, I'm grateful.

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