Denki Kaminari | Haunted House

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It's Halloween and tonight you're dressed up in a (Halloween costume) costume. Putting the last touches to the makeup for your outfit, the doorbell rung with a loud obnoxious ding.

'I really need to change the sound of that doorbell' you thought as you raced down the stairs to open the door to the needy person on the other side who decided to test how fast they can press a doorbell.

"Will you stop ringing my doorbell?!" you cried once you opened the door. Standing there with his 'Flash' costume was your boyfriend for two weeks, Denki Kaminari.

"(F/N)! You look so adorable in your (Halloween costume)!" complimented Kaminari. You looked away to hide your blush from him but before you did so, he pulled you in for a quick kiss on the lips.

"Oh hello Denki. Are you taking my baby girl out trick-or-treating?" asked your mom who suddenly appeared behind you.

"Yes I am (L/N)-san! But I'm not going to take her out trick-or-treating, no no no" he said wagging his finger back and forth.

"I'm going to take her to a haunted house!" he exclaimed as he pulled you in close to his chest where. Close enough to hear his beating heart causing your cheeks to go a nice pink colour.

"Well bring her back by 10 alright. Oh and (F/N) if you wish to stay at Kaminari-kun's house then please call me once you get there. Have fun!" said your mom as she ushered you two out of your house.

"Let's have a spook-tacular evening darling" said Kaminari as he led you to a nearby Halloween festival where the Haunted House was supposed to be.

The walk to the festival was about five minutes. There was a lot of people there who were dressed up. You saw zombies, slutty nurses and maids, assassins and ninjas, pirates, witches, wizards and tons of morph suits.

The Haunted House's lineup was quite long but it went by very quickly.

"Denki, I don't know if I want to go in" you said last minute where you two were behind a group of friends who were paying the administration fee.

"Don't worry, I be there to protect" reassured Kaminari as he kisses your forehead and fishes out ten dollars for the fee.

"Enter the Haunted House and you'll come out screaming" said the worker who directed you and Kaminari into the Haunted House and closed the door behind the two of you.

Holding tightly onto Kaminari's hand, you two began to walk through the house.

Hello, it's me Mina. Welcome to my haunted house. I died quite a few years back but don't worry, we'll see each other soon

"See each other soon?" you asked as you had a bad feeling about seeing a dead girl in a haunted house.

"It's probably someone who's speaking into a mike" shrugged Kaminari. The walk in the haunted house consisted of chain saw armed clowns, swarms of bats and thirsty vampire. It wasn't too bad, that is until you met her.

Walking towards you and Kaminari was a little girl with blood all over her and a machete through her heart. You knew that the machete was fake, but why did it look like metal with blood dripping down from it?

"Welcome intruders. I am Mina and it's your fault for entering my house without my permission. Because of that, you shall die!" yelled Mina as she charged at you with a knife in hand.

Screaming, you held onto Kaminari as he held you. Before she could 'kill' you two, the floor opened up, dropping you onto a slide that led outside.

Once you guys got outside, you saw a worker who was (what you assumed to be) a zombie.

"Oh you guys got lucky today. Mina doesn't let anyone away with entering her house. This is what would've happened if you got caught" said the man as he gestured to himself.

"Have a happy Halloween" he said as he handed you a flyer with other activities in the festival.

"It wasn't that scary" you said while you and Kaminari were exiting the festival.

"Yeah sure" snickered Kaminari.

"What do you mean 'yeah sure'" you questioned as you slapped his arm.

"Well, you screamed at every little thing and not to mention that little girl" smirked Kaminari as he pinches your cheeks playfully. Glaring at him, you hate to admit but it was true. Never the less, the Haunted House was pretty enjoyable.

This is dedicated to @togaminagitolover who was the one who requested this. HALLOWEEN IS TOMORROW GUYS!!!! Who's going out trick-or-treating??? Well I am cause I'm still a little child XD Anyways what are you guys dressed up as? Requests are open (no lemons) and have a nice day/night!

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