Fumikage Tokoyami | Stay With Me

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Being told that you only had a year left to live, scared you beyond measures. The expression of the doctor was grim as he looked away and glanced at the papers which were the results of your tests. As your mother rubbed your back soothingly and telling you that it was going to be okay even though she wasn't okay herself, tears rolled down your cheeks.

On the way home, all you can think of were the words 'year' and 'live.' As much you wanted to convince yourself that it was a dream, you knew that this was the harsh reality. It all started with a mild fever until after a few more days, it was officially diagnosed as a disease.

The moment you walked to your room, you fell onto your bed. Nothing passed through your mind, you just laid there staring at the ceiling as if it was going to move at any moment.

You don't know how much time has passed while you were laying in bed, until you heard a soft ringing coming from the pocket of your sweater.

Caller ID: Fumi-chan ❤️

Staring at the name, you really wanted to answer the call but at the same time, you thought that maybe it was best if you don't answer. Pressing the decline button, you closed your phone and placed it on your nightstand. A few seconds later your phone rang again.

Caller ID: Fumi-chan ❤️

Knowing that he wouldn't give up, you answered his call.

"Hello?" You asked as you brought the phone up to your ears.

"Hey (F/N). How'd it go?" He asks quietly. Reflecting back on the appointment, a tear rolled down your cheeks. You can't tell him, not right now.

"It, it went well" you tried your best to sound convincing but you knew that your voice gave it all away.

"(F/N) are you alright? Tell me what's wrong, what happened?" he questions with worry in his voice.

That's when you had to end call. You couldn't hold it back anymore as you sobbed quietly in your room. How can you tell him that you were going to die in a year? How can you say that when you haven't even told him that you loved him?

You and Tokoyami has been friends since preschool. The friendship started when you punched Tokoyami. Great beginning isn't it? But the two started becoming friends when you were  forced to say sorry or else you'll have to spend a day with him. Well the stubborn you didn't want to say sorry so you had to spend the whole day with him. Now the you and Tokoyami are inseparable and as the years passed by, you fell in love with him.

More tears fell from your eyes. Wiping them furiously you cursed to yourself.

"I'm such a crybaby" you whispered as you kept wiping your tears but they didn't seem to stop. All of a sudden, you hear a small creak from you door. Looking up slowly, your eyes met with someone with crimson eyes.

"Hey (F/N), I know what's happening. Your mom told me. How are you feeling?" wonders Tokoyami as he shyly scratches his cheek. You looked down on your bed sheet, playing with the fabric as you didn't know what to say. It was silent for a moment or two, before you felt your mattress dip in with the new added weight.

"It's going to be okay" mutters Tokoyami as he plays with your hair.

"But Fumi-, I'm dying" you sobbed quietly as you covered your face with your hands.

"I'm dying too. Everyone on this planet is dying too, you're not the only" he reassures you.

"But I'm going to die sooner than you and everyone else" you muttered. Shaking his, head he confidently denies it.

"No, you're not going to die sooner than me. If you die, then I die. I'm not me without you" he says. Looking up at him, you debated whether or not to confess. You had a limited amount of time, and it seem like forever to others, it won't be enough time for you. Taking a deep breath, you opened your mouth to confess only to be interrupted the next.

"You like me. You were going to say that weren't you" says Tokoyami as he looks away.

"How'd you know?" you said in astonishment.

"I don't. I guess you could call it a hunch but I wanted to know. From the day when you punched me to know, I've always thought you liked me for some reason. But I'm pretty sure that I thought that because I must've liked you too" he confessed.

You were surprised. Overjoyed yes, but surprised. Smiling, laid your head in his lap. Looking at him, you closed you eyes.

"Then promise me that you'll stay with me" you asked and without any hesitation, he replied back.

"I promise"

This chapter is dedicated @maju137 who was the one requested this. I should update more often... BUT I GOT NO IDEAS X( Ugh, having writer's block sucks.  Oh, do some of you guys listen to Kpop by any chance? My favourite band is BTS (but I like most bands in general) and OMG SPRING DAY IS SO SOOTHING AND NOT TODAY IS SO LITTTTT.  And 'Don't Recall' is so damn cool. If you do listen to Kpop, who's your favourite band or even who's your favourite musical artist. I'd love to know you guys better. Well, requests are open (no lemons and please request in the 'Request' chapter) and have a nice day/night!  

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