Izuku Midoriya | Regret

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(L/N) (F/N) was his childhood friend. You two would always play at each other's house. Usually you guys would play role play.

"HA HA HA! FEAR NOT, BECAUSE I AM HERE!" you bellowed as you impersonated All Might. Midoriya grabbed a plastic sword and started to 'fake' stab you.

"Take this All Might!" cried Midoriya as he poked you gently with the sword as you effortlessly swat it away.

"YOU CAN NEVER DEFEAT ME!" you bellowed once more as you stole the sword and 'punched' Midoriya as he died with his tongue out.

"Let's play again! This time I'm going to be the hero!" grinned Midoriya.

But being a hero didn't last long for Midoriya. His mother died in a fire recently and the heroes didn't even bother to help. They were too late. This changed Midoriya's life in a flash.

"Midoriya, why don't you join me in the attack against U.A/Yuuei?" asked Shigaraki. Much has changed for Midoriya. He knew about All Might's quirk so he did what was necessary, he moulded his body into the proper vessel and stole a bit of All Might's DNA to have his quirk transfer to himself. Now he's one of the strongest of the group.

"U.A/Yuuei? She attends there, maybe I will go" said Midoriya expressionless as he gears up. After all the years, he hasn't forgotten about you. In fact, he can't forget about you. Your smile, your voice, everything. He heard that you attended U.A/Yuuei so maybe this will be the only chance he has to see you, even if you guys are enemies.

"IZUKU?" you cried in disbelief. All these years he went missing, he became a villain? And he doesn't even look you in the eyes.

"Izuku what happened? After your mom's funeral you disappear out of nowhere! And now you reappear only along side with the villains? I thought being a hero was your dream!" you screamed as Midoriya looks you in the eyes.

His cheerful smile was replaced with a scowl and his big green eyes now had a permanent bags underneath.

"Being a hero was my dream. But when no heroes came to save my mom, I knew I should stop believing in those fairy tales" spat Midoriya. He doesn't know why, but it hurt to say those words. You probably hate him right now but why does he feel this way?

The two of you stared at each other for quite awhile. You didn't expect your reunion to be like this. Not like enemies. You wanted to cry and scream but you bottled it in. He's not the Izuku Midoriya you knew, that one was gone. The one that stands before you is an imposter. An imposter of the one you loved.

"Enough chit chat love birds. Let's take U.A/Yuuei down" said Shiragaki as the two sides fought.

"Open your eyes Izuku! This in not what you want" you said as you fought your childhood friend. His attacks felt different too.

"Who are you to say what I want. You have no right to say that to me" Midoriya scowls. Those words made your heart feel like it was suffucating. Oh how those simple words hurt.

"I watched you grow up! I know you more than you think!" you cried back as you continued to fight Midoriya.

"And what makes you say that?" he questions as he stops attacking.

"B-Because I-I..." you said. Taking a deep breath you shouted something that made his eyes widen in realization.

"ITS BECAUSE I LOVE YOU" you screamed. Panting, you look at him pleading eyes.

"(F-F/N) I-I" starts Midoriya as he sees a long katana like thing impales you through your stomach.  Midoriya watched in horror as he sees your body begin to fall forward.

"(F/N)!" he yells as he catches you. Squeezing his eyes shut, tears begin to escape his eyes.

"Why, why, why? Why did this have to happen?! Right when you said you loved me you had to die?! Why is it only me? I loved you since we met, so why now?" he cried as he cradles you.

Your weak hand reaches up and touches his cheek as you smiled your final smile as you said your last words.

"You're back"

At that moment, he regretted everything. Becoming a villain, leaving the one he loves the most, disappearing  after his mom's death, not being there to save his mom. But life can't be lived without regret can't it. Some just gets more of it than others.

This is dedicated to @bliim-chan234 who was the one who requested this. I hope this is the way you wanted it. This chapter was all over the place so sorry if it was hard to understand. OMG, school starts tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it (who is? XD) for those who had request and has already submitted it, you might have to wait a while for your request because I would like to space them out a bit with a few chapters in between (when all requests are for Midoriya lol) Requests are closed (only until I'm done the last of the ones I have) and have a nice day/night!

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