Izuku Midoriya | Gang

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Warning: Mentions of drugs and slight suggested sexual themes(?)

It was a long day at school for you. Being the president of the student council, you had lots of responsibilities. Tonight happened to have a lot of paperwork that involved funds, festival ideas, clubs and other stuff too. By the time you got out of you school, it was already dark.

Your house was quite a walk from (School's Name) and you were walking alone. You heard many stories on how not to walk by yourself at night since there could be thugs of some sort but you just ignored them thinking that wouldn't happen to you.

Humming (favourite song), you walked the route it takes to get to your house. It was quiet outside except for the splashing of a fountain nearby and there was a slight breeze. Walking across a dark alleyway, your nose picked up the scent of drugs, alcohol and cigarette fumes.

The smell was terrible but you walked right past it as if it was nothing. It shouldn't be your business anyways. The police will handle them so you shouldn't stick your nose in.

"Hey there sweet cheeks" said a voice behind you. Turning around, you saw a boy who you assumed to be in college with red cheeks (probably from the alcohol)and a cigarette hanging from his lips as he kept his hand in his pockets. The people behind whom you assumed was his friends were in the same state except some seemed to be smoking marijuana.

"You look lovely today, care to join me and my friends?" asked the boy as he friends smirk along behind him.

"Um, no thanks I must be on my way" you said as an excuse to leave the area. But the gang didn't buy it.

"Oh don't be shy, come if you don't we'll force you" said the boy as he yank you into the alleyway. Those stories about the gangs are true and this is what they must've felt when they were helpless in their clutches.

"Try some marijuana, you'll find it addictive" said one of his friends as he offers a roll of what you think is some marijuana wrapped inside paper. You shook your head as you declined it as his scowls.

"Now, now (random boy's name) we mustn't be hasty, but we need to get a better look at her body" smirked the boy as he caressed your cheek as you turned your head as tears began to fall.

"Hey don't you dare look away" shouted the boy as he yank your head to face him. From there on he began to take off your uniform jacket and uniform tie.

"S-Stop" you cried as he begins to unbutton you shirt revealing a bit of your bra until a bag came flying to his head.

"Leave her alone!" yelled a boy with green hair and freckles.

"Oh look a brat, let's teach him to learn his place" smiled one of the gang member as he cracked his knuckles. But all of them had been knocked to the ground in a split second before they can land a punch.

"Y-You're from U.A/Yuuei! You're one of those super elite kids!" stammered the gang leader as he cowered back in fear.

"Well I wouldn't say I'm a super elite kid, but there are some pretty amazing kids in my class" smiled the boy. His smile seems so calm and pure.

"Better get moving, I already called the police" and with that the gang ran off. Handing your jacket back all you could do was stare at your savior.

"I'm truly thankful for what you had done for me. Please let me make it up to you" you bowed a perfect 90 degree angle.

"It's nothing really. Oh and if you don't mind, what's your name?" he asked as you look up at him.

"(L/N) (F/N)" you said as he shook your hands.

"Midoriya Izuku, nice to meet you. I'd like to chat but my mom might be worried, see ya around (L/N)!" waved Midoriya as he walks off.

This was your chance encounter with the boy Midoriya Izuku, who would later be known as Deku, the number one hero. Aren't you a lucky girl.

This is dedicated to @typical_madi who was the one who requested this chapter. Ah, the typical 'gang' stories. I like reading these types for some reason. Maybe because I can imagine my anime bae (I got quite a few XD) saving me! But in reality, I'll probably bad mouth them and fight them (FIGHT ME ( •̀_•́))Requests are open and have a nice day/night!

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