Eijirou Kirishima | Café

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Standing nervously in your cute (F/C) dress/ favourite shirt and dark/light ripped jeans with a flannel around your waist, you waited for your date at a local cafe.

'Where is he?' you thought as you scanned the area for the one that you were looking for.

"(F/N)!" turning around, you saw your redheads date.

"Kirishima where were you?" you pouted as you crossed your arms.

"Eh, eh, eh, it's Eijirou now" smiled Kirishima as he put a finger to your lips. Rolling your eyes you pointed at the cafe.

"Ready?" you asked as Kirishima held your hand.

"Ready when you are" he smiled as you two enter the cafe. The cafe was a small one, but the things on the menu was simply mouthwatering. You been here for five years now and it simple your favourite.

Sitting at a two person seat, you sat across Kirishima as a waitress came to take your orders.

"Hello welcome to (favourite cafe.) Have you decided what you guys would like?" asked the waitress. The service here great too, the workers were all really kind.

"I'll have (favourite drink) and a (favourite dessert)" you ordered as the waitress recorded it.

"Anything for you sir?" she asked.

"I'll have the same thing" he said as he smiled to you. You can't seem to get enough of him.

After a while, your orders came. Kirishima looked like he was in heaven.

"Woah! All this stuff looks more delicious! We should come here more often" said Kirishima as his eyes were widened at the sight of the food.

"It tastes better than it looks" you said taking a sip from your (favourite drink.) Kirishima grabbed a fork/spoon and took a bite from the dessert.

"Oh, my, god. Is this for real?" gawked Kirishima as takes another bite. Chuckling at his reaction, you took a bite out if your dessert too.

"Eijirou, tell me the words that you said  in front of the Sakura tree yesterday again" you asked. Kirishima instantly blushed and looked away.

"Y-You want to hear those again? But it's embarrassing (F/N)" whined Kirishima as he takes a glance at you. You raised your eyebrows, telling him to hurry up and say it.

"Fine" sighed Kirishima as he grabs your hands.

"(L/N) (F/N), where do I begin. Well I'll start with a simple 'I love you.' I'm not that romantic or at least I don't think so, but to put it simply, you're the straw to my berry and the heart to my beat. There's so many things that want to tell you but, all that clouds my mind is asking you, will you go out with me?" he recites the words he spoke that day.

You smiled as you placed a hand to your heart. It was tumblr worthy.

"Ah young love" cooed an elderly couple as they entered the cafe.

"We hope you two can grow old together" smiled the woman. You and Kirishima both blushed at the thought of growing old together.

"(F/N), what do you say? Growing old together that is" grinned Kirishima. With your face flushing a dark red you nodded.

"Let's do it"

This is dedicated to @breeziem30w who was the one who requested this chapter. A have a cafe near mine that is really cozy and cute. It's not too bad of a cafe too. When I get 10K views for this book, I was thinking of doing 25 facts about me so you guys can get to know me better. My name, age and other stuff like that won't be included. Also hiatus for the weekend.Requests are open and have a nice dah/night!

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