Izuku Midoriya | Switched

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"Look out Midoriya-kun!" you yelled as Midoriya dodged a swift kick from your opponent. The opponent you were facing was a villain named 'Switch' and just as his name suggested, he can make anyone he touches turn into the opposite gender. The effects are only temporary but it lasts as long as a day to a week.

"We need to finish him off quickly!" shouted Midoriya as he falls back to where you were. His left index, middle fingers seemed to be broken and his whole right arm was broken too. He was a long way from controlling his quirk.

"You children are too naïve" said Switch as a powerful kick slammed into your's and Midoriya's back. Groaning, you lifted yourself off the ground and up to your feet. Looking left, you see a girl doing the same. Wait, GIRL?!

"M-Midoriya is that y-you?" you asked not sure. But when you said that, your voice sounded much more masculine. The girl lifted her head up, she had long green hair tied up into a ponytail and freckles on her cheeks.

"(L/N)-chan? Yeah I'm Midoriya, don't you recognize me?" replied Midoriya. Remebering that you were fighting a villain, you did a 360 turn only to see that he disappeared. Coward.

"Hey, (L/N) where's-" Midoriya asked and only stopped when he saw your face. He point his shaky finger right at your face.

"Y-You're a guy!" yelled Midoriya. Running towards a nearby shop, you looked at your reflection to see that you were indeed a guy!

Your (H/C) hair was now shorter and your arms got more buff. Putting your hands on your stomach, you felt something hard. YOU GOT ROCK HARD ABS! Maybe being a guy wasn't so bad.

--- Time Skip ---

"HAHA DEKU YOU'RE A GIRL! AN ACTUAL FUCKING GIRL AND (L/N) YOU'RE A GUY!" laughed Bakugou as he slaps his desk. The whole class was surprised with your's and Midoriya's switched genders. You started to have second thoughts about this situation.

"Man this sucks" you grumbled as you sat at lunch with your friends.

"Well look at the bright side, at least you look like a cute boy" smiled Uraraka.

"Thanks and it seems that Iida has a thing for Midoriya" you and Uraraka giggle as you see Iida blushing at Midoriya.

"But overall, it sucks" you sighed.

You'd think the teachers would be accepting about your's and Midoriya's problem, but you knew that they were snickering as their backs faced the chalkboard. So much for help and support.

"(L/N)-chan er, kun, what do you think we should do?" asked Midoriya who was trying to tie his hair up but was only making it even more tangled up.

"I just want to be a girl again" you said.

"Yeah me too. I mean being a boy not a girl" he corrected himself. Walking out of the school, you couldn't help but keep steal glances at him.

'A girl Midoriya is actually cute' you thought to yourself. Wait, did you just call Midoriya cute? Oh no, this is bad. Your mind is becoming like a guy's too! This isn't supposed to be happen!


This is dedicated to @bliim-chan234 who was the one who requested this chapter. I ACCIDENTALLY PUBLISHED THIS STORY WHEN I WAS SUPPOSED TO SAVE IT. Now this is the completed version it's all good. I'm so dumb XD. Well hopefully this all makes sense with the switched thing. WE REACHED 6K, 350+ VOTES AND 100+ COMMENTS! I am so happy right now and thank you all for making this all possible. Requests are open and have a nice day/night!

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