Enji Todoroki | Drifted Apart

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This is your childhood memory

Laughter filled the air as you and Todoroki play fight on your lawn. Your throwing rocks (without touch them of course) and Todoroki burning them.

"You think that's enough to defeat me (F/N)? Think again!" Todoroki laughs as he fires his red flames at you. Smirking, you raised your arms to create a wall of rocks to block the intensely hot flames. Once Todoroki stopped firing his flames, you began punching the rocks to make them fly at Todoroki.

"Mwahaha who's thinking again now!" you chuckled darkly. Todoroki was glaring at you with pout as his arms and legs were littered with bruises.

"Why are you laughing young lady" says someone behind you as they hit your head with a rolled up newspaper.

"Mom we're just playing around!" you whined as your rock wall crumbled. Your mom walked over to Todoroki and asked if he was alright, completely ignoring you. 

Todoroki Enji, the neighbour. The friend. Best friend. And also maybe a "little" crush. 

"Come on (F/N) and Enji, I just baked some fresh (favourite cookies)! Go eat them before they get cold!" your mom smiles, ushering the two of you inside of your house, the aroma of (favourite cookies) filling the whole household.

"I CALL DIBS ON THE BIGGEST ONE!" you shout running into the house.

"NO FAIR (F/N) I WANT THE BIGGEST!" Todoroki complains, running after you. 

"Ah ah no fighting lovebirds. I made lots of big cookies this time" you mom chuckles making both you and Todoroki stop in your tracks. 

"L-Lovebirds?!" the both of you exclaimed with your faces turn beet red. Looking at each other, you both stared into each other's eyes before creating gagging sounds. But soon afterwards, you two stopped and continued blushing while grabbing handfuls of your mom's delicious (favourite cookies.)

This is present day (you're in your late 20's)

Sighing, you raised your arms and stretched, pulling your arms back to stretch your stiff back after being leaned over a computer for hours. It was long past your shift as your reports were left unfinished. 

Deciding to watch the news for the last couple of minutes, you cleaned up your desk space, getting read to go home. Might as well know what's happening around town. 

"Endeavor and his son Shouto defeated the villain 'Swamp Vine' with much ease" the reporter states, causing your head to look at the TV.

"Enji..." you whispered to yourself as you watch a bit of his fight with the Swamp Vine villain. It's been a total of 25 years since you last saw Todoroki. 

You remember the day that he moved away, stating he wanted to pursue his dream of being a hero. But even before then, you realized subtle changes in Todoroki. He didn't come out to play as often as he used to. He indulged himself heavily into hero studies and he rarely came by to visit or talk to you. But your heart still remained his.

Then you saw the marriage of him and his wife. Oh how lucky she is, being married to a great man. 

And soon enough, a daughter and three sons came along. One that you just saw on television. Half of his face resembles so much like Todoroki's. The other like his mother. 

"He must be happy being the number 2 hero and having such beautiful children" you smiled grimmly, tears threatening to spill over. He may of gotten over you, forgotten you, left you but you sure didn't. Single and a local hero was how you lived your life. There truly was no one like Todoroki.  At least in your opinion.

Piling up the finished reports, you exited your building. The night was dark and the wind howling. 

The streets were quiet as only a few cars drove by. Shops were closed for the night, save for the 24 hour grocery shops. 

Walking home in the dark, gave you lots of time to think. 

"It's been 25 years, he's married, has kids..." you whisper to yourself. 

"Maybe it's better if you move on too (F/N). Find someone new, someone who won't drift away from you" you continued as you try to get rid of your everlasting feelings for Todoroki. 

After all, why dwell on the past when the future awaits?

This chapter is dedicated to @JustMeWoo who was the one who requested this chapter. I'm not a fan of Endeavor... he's just an overall asshole in my opinion. It was pretty weird writing a oneshot for him as well. I decided to do a drabble for this one because I haven't done one in forever and I like them. They're often cute to read. I'm going to put all the pending requests on hold for now just to write a BNHA Christmas edition oneshot with a bunch of characters. It'll be something knew for me but I hope all of you will enjoy it. Don't worry, after the Christmas oneshot, requests will continue to be done. Only 5 more to go until they open once more for everyone :) Requests are CLOSED and have a nice day/night! 

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