Dabi | Worthy

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You were walking through the dark alleyways of town to stay undercover. Today was one of those days that you didn't feel like doing anything. So you decided to walk around.

Being a villain was cool and all, but some of the simplest tasks were hard to do like buying groceries and visiting tourist attractions. You couldn't walk through the streets without someone yelling 'VILLAIN!!' or call the cops.

Sighing to yourself, you walked around the dark alleyways where rebellious children were spray painting the walls and the stench of trash reeked.

"Hello (L/N)-chan" said a voice behind you. You immediately do a super high jump flip and into a defensive stance.

"Dabi? What do you want? Spill it" you said through gritted teeth clearly annoyed with the guy. You were never too fond of Dabi. Don't know why but you weren't.

"I saw my sweet little (L/N)-chan walking the alleyways looking so sad and lonely so is though I'd cheer her up" said Dabi with a raised eyebrow and smirk.

Scoffing, you spin on your heel and start walking again.

"Get lost punk. Oh and Dabi, I'm far from sweet" you turn around to show him a murderous expression.

You were known worldwide was the 'Silent Killer.' Killing thousands of people, all without a sound. Not even the ones who witnessed it heard you. And when you had a person in your clutches, their death was certain. Nobody survived.

Villains all around the world respects you. Psh, who wouldn't? Dabi.

"Oh you planning to murder someone? Let me tag along with you" smirked Dabi.

"Oh no need to Dabi. You're the one I'm gonna kill" you smile as you suddenly disappear.

Dabi was shocked. Where'd you go?

A long, shiny, thin katana like sword appeared at his throat. Dabi can see just how sharp the sword is.

"You live up to your nickname Silent Killer. I didn't even hear you" complemented Dabi.

You and Dabi had an odd relationship. Apart from the fact that you and him are in the same team, you guys tease each other and act like sworn enemies. Himiko thinks you two are secret lovers and are fighting to hide the truth.

"Stop bothering me or else your head will stand as my trophy" you hissed as you walk away.

"(F/N)-chan! (F/N)-chan!" called Himiko. Turning around you saw Himiko running towards you.

She was one of the luckier villains who could walk on the streets without gaining attention. A few people know her, but not as many as you.

"You have no right to call me by my first name" you said as you glared at your surroundings.

"So, are you two official now? Like you're dating?" asked Himiko. Your face instantly flushed a dark red. Even though you're a villain, you get flustered easily.

"No we're not" you and another voice said at the same time. Turning around you see Dabi, again.

"What are you doing here you bastard?" you growled.

"You were going the same direction as me" shrugged Dabi. Just as you were about to say something, Himiko yelled an extremely loud 'watch out!'

Looking up you saw four steel beam falling down. You stood there stunned. Himiko already made a run for it.

So this is how the Silent Killer dies eh? Not very fitting for a villain like me

You shut your eyes waiting for the blow. It never arrived. Instead you found yourself on the ground with Dabi on top of you. Not only that, his mouth was on yours?

Pushing him off, you started to wipe your lips with your sleeves.

"Ewww, my lips touched your crusty skinned lips" you said in disgust. But then you saw the freshly made wounds on his back. Bleeding fresh blood.

He protected you. He saved you yet, you treated him like dirt after a noble action like that.

"Dabi are you-" you stared at him before he interrupted .

"I'm fine. Be lucky I saved you. I wouldn't be this to anyone but you. Want to know why? It's because I only protect the ones I deem worthy of saving. And someone like you is more than worthy to be saved. And I don't find a lot of people to be worth saving" said Dabi as he dusted himself off.

'I'm, someone worth saving? Me?' you wondered as you stared up at the baby blue sky. Maybe you fallen deeper in his trap than you though you were. Or did you even notice yourself falling in there in the first place?

Who knows? You've been too busy trying to hide the facts .

This is dedicated to @miiyasuni who was the one who requested this chapter! Hiii!! Um, I tried to make it appear that they have a thing but, I think I failed miserably? I'm sorry. But anyways, trip again for two days back Sunday! For me school is still out so I'm trying to enjoy it as much as I can. Requests are open and have a nice day/night!

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