Katsuki Bakugou | Fault

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'Fuck, fuck, fuck' is all Bakugou can think of when he paces back and forth in front of your room as doctors are checking up on you in the hospital. 

Who would've thought that the asshole of Class 1-A had the soft spot for you. It wasn't obvious no, but if you listen and watch closely, he's not as much of an asshole to you than everyone else. And by not that much of an asshole, that meant KIND gestures towards you. Opening doors for you (only to slam it shut in front of the next person's face,) lending his spare pencils (then later putting that pencil in the 'special pencil case' since you touched them. He claims that these pencils will help him score higher on tests) and over all nice gestures. Some may be creepy, but nice.

But this time, Bakugou Katsuki had really done goofed. Long story short, in training, he had to partner up and fight you. He promised himself the he wouldn't go all out on you since he liked you, a lot, and he doesn't want to harm you. But that promise was just empty words. 

Right when you were about to deliver the finishing blow, he eyed Midoriya on the sidelines talking about something with Iida and Uraraka. That pissed him off. He could even recall in that moment that he said something along the lines of this.

"Deku! You ignorant little fuck! Am I not strong enough for you to even watch my match?! Am I not worth your time?!" he'd said and went all out on you. Yup, he took all of his anger on you. Watching you scream in pain may be the hardest thing he had to go through.

Now back to real time, Bakugou slumped down on one of the nearby hospital chairs with scowl on his face. It was something around 11:30 PM and he knows that he needs to be studying to do for the upcoming math exam but Bakugou wasn't going to go home without seeing you anytime soon.

"Um are you, uh, (L/N) (F/N)'s family member? Friend? Boyfriend?" someone asked. Looking up he glares up the person speaking. 

"The fuck do you want retard?" he spat as the man clearly shivered under his gaze.

"I uh, I am Dr. Kusonaga and I am here to tell you that if you're here for Miss (L/N) you may see her now" he states as he walks away. Bakugou doesn't enter the room and so he just sits there in the chair. Did he have the right to? Do you even want to see him after what he had done? Fuck, why was he like this?

Sighing, Bakugou picked up his stuff as he concluded that it was better for you not to see him. Walking across your room, he heard someone call him.

"Bakugou?" the voice was quiet and it sounded a tad bit hoarse. Walking towards the voice, he stepped inside your room. He was nervous, no doubt. Heck he was considering backing out. He mentally cursed at himself for being weak. 

"It's not your fault, Bakugou. Don't beat yourself over this" you said once he was standing about three metres away from bed. He didn't want to look. He didn't want to see the injuries HE made. But despite all of that he looked at you. Regret and anger washed over him. He was mad, no, furious that he hurt you. 

"Bakugou are you listening?" you ask and he looks at your face as he scowl disappears and his glare softens.

"Stay away from me if you don't want to get hurt again" he says out of nowhere. And just like that he turns around to leave.

"WAIT!" you call out and Bakugou stops walking.

"What is it?" he says harshly. Neither of you are saying a word and the tension in the air isn't helping either.

"Look I know you're thinking that you're an ass for doing this to me and believe me, you are" you say to break the awkward silence. Clicking his tongue Bakugou continues to walk out.

"But I know you wouldn't hurt me intentionally" 

Bakugou freezes. Did you find out his secret? Something he desperately tried so hard to hide because he didn't want his reputation to falter. Was it so obvious?

"What do you mean?" he questions instead. A bit of hesitation was in his voice but it had gone (luckily) unnoticed by you.

"I'll be honest, I was nervous when I was partnered up with you. I thought I was going to do so bad against you since you were so much stronger than I am and have better combat skills than I do" you confessed.

"I didn't mean to-" Bakugou begins but you cut him off.

"And even though I was scared, no, terrified. I am still glad I got the chance to fight you because now I know how much more I need to train in order to beat you. Even if I have to fight you, I'll do whatever it takes" you smile and his facial expression softens.

"But you'll hurt yourself if you fight me! Look at yourself. This will be the result" Bakugou shouts.

"Oh is someone worried?" you tease, chuckling at his now flustered face.

"S-Shut up" yells Bakugou as he stomps out of your room.

"HA DID YOU JUST STUTTER?!" you shout from your room as Bakugou can hear you laughing in your room. Ugh, why does he love you when you're like this?

This is dedicated to @Fabulous_Otaku_730 who was the one who requested this chapter. I haven't done a Bakugou chapter in a while and I feel like he's so out of character. And also, this seems really cringy like whyyyyyy I know I can do better but I'm too lazy (I'm sorry if you cringed at his oocness <- is that a word?). I hope school isn't crushing you guys. I got lucky this year and my first semester teachers are nice and understanding but I don't know about second semester though. Requests are CLOSED and have a nice day/night!

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