Fumikage Tokoyami | Saved

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This a few years into the future when they became Pro Heroes

"Help me!" you cried as the flames danced dangerously around you as they engulfed your living room. Earlier that evening, your stove had caught fire on a piece of newspaper that was laying close by, created a dangerous house fire.

Smoke spread all around you, making you gag at the stench. It's was getting thicker and thicker by the second.

You ran into your bedroom and closed the door, hoping that the fire wouldn't go into your bedroom.

Closing your open window, you tried to think of ways to stall the fire before help arrives.

As you were looking around your room to find something that might help, the wall suddenly started to burn. The red and orange flames grew higher and higher, making you chance of escape grow slimmer and slimmer.

Crawling on all fours, you made your way to the door. Putting your hand on the handle, you felt a sharp, hot stinging feeling in your palm causing you to let go. You knew it would be burned for sure.

Clutching your hand, you tried to find ways to get out. Soon the smoke entered your room and became too thick to breathe as it filled your lungs.

Watching your vision starting to blur, you swayed back and forth before collapsing to the ground.

Before you blacked out, you heard voices from the other side of the door. The door got busted down and a crow like head appeared before you. He was asking questions but you couldn't hear.

Picking you up bridal style, a dark sketchy hand appears from him and punched down the window. Jumping out, he brought you to the paramedics that were waiting outside. You shut your eyes closed before you saw what happened next.

Slowly opening your eyes, you stared at a white ceiling. Beeping noises could be heard in the room. 

Turning your head to the side, you saw a guy with a bird head sitting cross-legged with his arms crossed on the window ledge with his eyes closed.

Trying to get up, you made a lot of noises, grabbing the attention of the man.

"Ah you're awake" he exclaimed.

"Who are you?" you asked with a hoarse and croaky voice.

"I am Jet-Black Hero" he says. Shaking your head, you clarified what you meant to say.

"Who are you, as in your real name. I want to know the real name of the hero who saved me" you spoke again.

A long silence filled the room before he spoke again.

"Fumikage Tokoyami" he said as he got up to exit the room. As he slides the door open, you stop him.

"Tokoyami-kun, thank you. For saving me in that fire" you thanked as he walked out the door.

This is dedicated to @haxorist who was the one who requested this chapter. IM BACKKK, how are y'all? This chapter was shorter than it was supposed to be. My computer crashed so I had to type it all up on my phone. Well, requests are open and have a nice day/night!!

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