Shouto Todoroki | Rain

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Plink, plink, plink

You sighed as you listened to the rain drops as they tapped the window. It just had to rain today, one second it was all nice and sunny and then all of a sudden rain starts pouring down like there's no tomorrow.

Looking across the room in boredom, your eyes landed on Shouto Todoroki.  You didn't even realize that you were staring at him until he turned and looked at you. Panicking, you quickly turned your head away. Your cheeks grew pink from embarrassment.

'Oh my god he caught me looking at him, what do I do?!' you screamed in your head. You shook your head and focused yourself towards the front. The image of Todoroki kept replaying in your mind. Oh gosh, what does he think of you now?

Not that you wanted to admit it but, you've had a crush on Todoroki since middle school. But you doubt that he even knows about you since he was in a different class.

You occupied yourself with thoughts until the bell rang, signalling that it was time to go home. Quickly putting all of your stuff into your bag, you wanted to get out as soon as possible.

Rushing down the stairs, you only had the thought of getting out of the school as quick as you can. But of course you just had to forget the fact it was pouring outside.

"Ugh what do I do?" you whined quietly. Out of nowhere, Midoriya came up behind you.

"(L/N)-chan are you alright?" he asked as tilts his head a bit to the right. You jumped back a bit and your whole face turned into a light shade of red. It wasn't that you liked him, it's just that you naturally get flushed when people are around.

"U-Uh yeah. I-I'm fine M-Midoriya-kun. N-Nothing is wrong" you stuttered as you did some crazy hand gestures because you didn't know what to do with them.

"Oh okay. If anything troubles you don't be shy, you can talk to me" says Midoriya as he opens his umbrella and walks out into the rain.

Don't be shy? Psh,  that's like telling you not to be yourself. Sighing, you decided to wait until the rain dies down a bit.

You must've waited a good ten minutes and the rain showed no signs of stopping. Maybe running through the rain will be your only option.  Just as you were about to run out into the rain, something grabs your arm.

"What do you think you're doing?" looking at the person who said that, your face turned into a darker shade of red, now with the addition of blush.

"T-Torodoki-kun, I-I uh" you said in a really quiet mumbling voice. Your crush was standing in front of your and you have no idea on what to do. It only made you want to run away to avoid any possible questions and conversations.

"It's pouring outside and you don't have an umbrella. What gave you the idea that running out in the rain is a good idea" questions Todoroki as he looks you in the eyes. If he wasn't here, you would've squealed your head off and jump around in circles. But all you could do is look to the ground and pretend that his gaze wasn't killing you.

A few seconds later, you heard a sound of an umbrella opening.

"Here, this will keep you dry from the rain. I'll walk you home" offered Todoroki and you can feel your ears heating up now. As much as you wanted to go, you had to decline or else you'll die from being so close to him. But this is a one-time offer... you'll deny at first and if he insists you'll go with him. Good plan.

"U-Um thank you Todoroki-kun b-but" you managed before he grabbed you and started walking into the rain. The constant tap of the rain on the umbrella was soothing.

"T-Thank you" you muttered as you huddle closer to him trying to as dry as you possibly can. Todoroki must've noticed it as he switches the umbrella to his right hand and drapes his left hand over your shoulder to keep you close to him.

At that moment you felt like a furnace was on your face. You started to worry that he'll notice as you feel yourself heat up from the nervousness inside you so you turned your face away from him.

"Is something the matter?" asks Todoroki. You were thinking of as many excuses as you can but before you can say anything, he responds again.

"Don't turn your face away from me. I want to take in the moment of how beautiful you are while I still can" 

This is dedicated to @jenmirai184 who was the one who requested this. Hi I'm back! Sorry for the lack of updates. I couldn't find a time to update until today. Hopefully you can interpret  the reader as someone who is shy. I will try to make more updates during this month. Requests are open (please request in the 'Request' chapter or I won't take it and no lemon requests please) and have a nice day/night!

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