Shouto Todoroki | Troublemaker

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It was the usual day in (your city) and nothing was out of the ordinary. Kids were playing with their friends at the park, daily joggers ran about and your typical businessmen were driving back home from a long day. It was normal...

"So are you chickening out?" you inquired as one of your close friend was glancing nervously at the set of monkey bars.

"Come on, all you have to do it walk on your hands across the top of the monkey bars" said your best friend (best friend's name.) At school, you were known as the 'Troublemakers,' the crazy, wild group of friends who don't give a damn about school. You were the leader, the girl who resembles the devil. It was because of your red horns and tail but that's what makes you intimidating.

"B-But what if I fall?" asked your new joiner. Yup, this new girl wants to be in your group since she thought it was cool. But in order to join, you must do a dare that the leader (you) assigns. You can't change it or back out or else you're not allowed to join.

"Then we'll catch you, duh" you roll your eyes. Gulping, the new joiner, you watched her climb up the jungle gym and climb up to the top of the monkey bars. Sitting on the top, she nervously glanced at you.

"What? Can't do it?" you questioned as she kept staring at your face. It was silent for a few minutes before she sighed.

"I-I, can't do it" she said as she looked down in shame. Sighing, you told her to come down to where you were.

"If I walk across the railing of that bridge over there, you have to do it or else you're not joining our group" you negotiated as the new joiner nodded her head quickly. You've done crazy stunts, but none of them were this crazy. This bridge was a good thirty feet from the waters down below. On top of that, you can't swim.

Walking to the bridge, you climbed up on the thin railing as you threw your phone, bag and sweater to the closest person next you. Stretching your arms out to the side, you began to walk slowly across the railing,

Many people were whispering things about you like how dumb are you to be walking on thin railing of a bridge. After a few steps, you were starting to think that this was a dumb idea indeed. But instead of bailing, you kept walking.

'Okay (F/N), you can do this. This is a piece of cake' you encouraged yourself, then right after that you started to loose your balance for a moment but got regained it.

'THE CAKE IS A LIE' you screamed in your head. Your friends started to get nervously about the whole idea too. Just as you were almost to the halfway point, there was a teeny tiny puddle on the railing and guess what? You stepped on it. Your foot flings upwards as you start to flail your arms in a circle.

Then, you start to lean over the bridge until, you actually slipped an fall.

"(L/N)!" your friends scream as you fall from the bridge. As you were falling you saw a boy with red and white hair jump in after you before you landed in the water. Not being able to swim, you started to panic as you tried to reach the surface.

"Help" you tried to say but all that came out was bubbles. Slowly, you consciousness starts to fade away.

'This was a really dumb idea' you thought.

"She's waking up!"

"Miss are you alright?!"

Opening your eyes, you were met with two paramedics. Coughing out a bit of water, you sat up.

"How are you feeling?" questions one of the medics. Shaking your head, you felt dizzy and your ears were ringing.

"Is she okay?" said a voice to your side, turning your head, you saw that red and white haired kid from earlier.

"Did you, did you save me?" you ask. He turned his head to you and nodded.

"You're quite the troublemaker aren't you" he said as you eyes fall to your lap in shame. Feeling a hand on your shoulder, you looked to the owner of the hand.

"Be careful next time" he smiled. Staring at his face, you were suddenly notice at how cute this boy was. A gentle smile, duel coloured eyes and how his hair covers his forehead. Before you could stare at him for a little longer, he left your side.

"I didn't even get to ask your name" you chuckle quietly as the medics took notes on your condition.

This is dedicated to @asphyn who was the one who requested this. Ahh this took a really long time for me. I didn't really know what to do with the plot so I just went with whatever came to mind. Hope this was enjoyable in any aspects. Sorry for not updating in a while, I've been doing lots of homework and drawing for an audition to an Arts program for school. Anyways requests are closed and have a nice day/night!

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