Shouto Todoroki | Right To Choose

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Kingdom AU! Also, pretend Todoroki doesn't have any siblings and is an only child

Three knights on three beautiful white horses came trotting down the dirt path of your village. Hearing the hoofs on the dirt got everyone's attention thus making people go out their homes and shops to see what was going on. 

The knight in the middle of the three pulled out a piece of parchment paper as opened it to read it. Everyone including your family started to whisper about what as going on.

"Ahem, King Endeavor wishes that all the young women of this village, preferably ages 14 - 17, go to his palace. From there the king will tell you what would be happening" bellowed the knight. 

Your mom looked at you with worried eyes. You were fifteen, which meant you have to leave your family to go to the King's palace.

"Mom, I don't have to go. I can stay here, with you, with all of you" you tried to reason. (Sibling's name) looked down at the ground with their hands clasped together, touching their forehead as if they were praying. 

"(F/N), please, you have to go. You know what the king will do if you defy his orders. He won't hesitate to kill you. And plus, maybe something good with come out from this, maybe you'll be wealthy and have a good life with a good husband" your dad sniffed. It was true, the King was very strict about how things would go. Step out of line and say hello to heaven.

"Dad you're going too far, especially with the husband stuff" you chuckled. Just then, a loud knocking can be heard from the door. You walked to the door and opened it to see a rather tall knight standing there with parchment paper.

"(L/N) (F/N), age fifteen" he said. Nervously raising your hand, you let him now that you were you. 

"Come" he ordered as he turned around to leave. Following him, you took one last look at your family before leaving. 

I didn't even say goodbye

"Faster pheasant" he ordered as he yanked you forward. He helped you onto his horse. The horse ran at an incredible speed, much faster than the human foot can run. 

Once you arrived at the palace, you went into the grand hall where all the other young ladies stood nervously. 

"ATTENTION!" yelled the King as he stood up from his throne wearing his signature fiery red cape. A beautiful woman with white hair who you assumed was the queen sat quietly with her back straight and her hands in her lap, not making eye contact at anyone in the room.

"My son Shouto will be marrying soon. But he needs a wife first. One of you ladies will become his wife, but you need to be deemed worthy. You will live in the palace for a week, a week of trails. There will only be one girl who will be named both the wife of my son and the queen of (Kingdom's name) since I will soon grow old and retire" said the King.

Many girls around the room started to whisper upon themselves saying who is the prince. You stood there quietly shuffling back and forth.

"You are dismissed to your rooms" ordered the King and knights came in and escorted everyone to their rooms. 

You were all led down to what you assumed was the basement. It was poor lit and the doors of each room were the same as the doors to your home.

'I guess commoners like me don't get the high and mighty rooms upstairs' you thought to yourself.

"This is your room. Stay quiet in here until you are called up to speak with the prince" said the knight as he pushes you into the room with force, making you fall onto the floor with a thud before shutting the door and locking it. You can hear the metal against stone as the knight walks away. 

The room was plain. Stone walls, rickety bed, a small table with chairs and a caged window. Knowing that escape was useless, you walked to the bed and carefully laid on it and closed your eyes.

Soon after the door opened a knight was standing there.

"It's your turn. Hurry up this won't take long" he said as you got out of bed and followed him upstairs into a large office with a young boy with red and white hair and heterochromia eyes. You stared at him for awhile before walking to the chair. 

'Wow, he's handsome' you thought to yourself. Sitting on the fancy birch chair that sat across from him the knight left the room and left the two of you alone.

"What is your name?" asked the prince bluntly, without giving a care in the world. But who can blame him, having to do this with every young lady that came here.

"(L/N) (F/N)" you replied

"What do you do in your family?"

"I hunt for food" his eyes seemed to widen once he heard your response. It was true, you were the only one that provided the meat for your family. Also, meat can be sold at a high price so it was good for your family. 

Everything he said after that was questions like how old are you, what do you like to do in your spare time. Stuff like that. 

Nightfall quickly came and bowls of porridge were given to everyone in their rooms. Placing the bowl onto the small table, you sat down and ate it once it cooled down. It was like that for the rest of the week, after the various tests.

Finally, the last day came and all the women were once again assembled in the grand hall.

"We have made the decision of whom the wife of my son will be. We picked the young lady who has leadership qualities, kind nature and many other qualities. So the maiden who will be his wife will be-"said the King before waiting for the adrenaline to raise.

"(Random girl's name)" he stated before sitting back down. The girl squealed with delight before the prince spoke up.

"Why did you have to choose my wife? I thought you said I can choose! It's going to be my marriage so I should have the right to choose!" yelled the prince. The room went quiet.

"How dare you yell at your father! I chose your wife because our kingdom needs a stable queen!" said the King before the queen stood up to shush the two.

"You picked his path for his whole life. Please allow him to pick the one he will marry" pleaded the queen in a kind voice. After thinking about it, he sat back down and uttered a 'fine' before letting the prince choose. 

Walking down the steps, he headed in the direction towards you. Thinking he'll only walk past you, he stopped and bent down onto one knee, pulling out a gorgeous ring from his pockets.

"(F/N), will you marry me" he said with no expression at all. The girls around you groaned because he didn't pick them. Nodding yoru head, he slipped the ring onto your fingers. You didn't show it but, this was the happiest you ever felt in your life.

This is dedicated to @asphyn who was the one who requested this. This chapter really fun to write despite being crazy long. I've always wanted to do a kingdom AU. Hope my boy Todoroki wasn't too OOC. I kind of half-assed this at the end but I needed to end it because it was getting too long. Requests are open and have a nice day/night.

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