Eijirou Kirishima | Jealousy

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"Sup (F/N)" Kirishima greeted you as he picks you up from your house. The two of you had been friends since kindergarten and are still friends. Due to being friends for such a long time, even your strict parents allowed him to pick you up and use your first name.

You don't know it yet but, Kirishima has had a crush on you since junior high. Of course, he tried to hide it as best as he could but sometimes he'd let a few words stutter and some red colour onto his face. But, what he didn't know what that you had feelings of your own.

"Hi Eijirou! Ready to go?" you chirped as you waved goodbye to your mother and left for another day at U.A/Yuuei.

"Yeah you bet!" Kirishima answered lively. Well having you around surely made his day. Even if he felt gloomy, you can somehow manage to cheer him up with no problems.

Entering class 1-A, you and Kirishima took a seat at your designated spots and chatted for a while until Aizawa-sensei came and started his unpredictable lectures. During the lecture, you stole glances and Kirishima and he did the same.

"Hey, (L/N)! You're free today right? Tell me you're fucking free tonight" Bakugou smiled his crooked smile. Blushing, you didn't know what to do. This was the first time someone asked you out, but you didn't have any feelings towards him.

"Uh, I'm sorry but I'm not interested" you smiled awkwardly, hoping that Bakugou will just get  lost.

"What do you fucking mean that you're not fucking interested? Now a drop dead gorgeous girl like you can't say no to a drop dead handsome man like me" Bakugou scowled. It's true that in the eyes of many, you were beautiful but for Bakugou, you don't know if you can say the same.

"Um, thanks Bakugou but I already told you didn't I? I believe I told you that I wasn't interested" you looked down at your hands as you twiddled your thumbs. Now the awkwardness went from level one to level hundred.

Watching from the distance was Kirishima. He couldn't exactly hear what was going on with you and Bakugou but he didn't like it. And from the looks of your face, you didn't enjoy it either. But something made him stop his tracks, you were blushing. How can an amateur like Bakugou make a girl like you blush?

Thinking it through, he had enough. Stomping over to your seat, he slammed his hand on your desk, grabbing his and the other's attention.

"What the hell do you think  you're doing to (F/N)?" shouted Kirishima, anger boiling in his blood. Smirking, Bakugou set off mini explosions off of his hand.

"Asking (L/N) out for a date, now is there a problem?" Bakugou said straightforwardly.

"Guys please don't fight over me" you hesitantly said but the two clearly ignored you. This was the first time you seen Kirishima so angry.

"(F/N) is my girl you hear me? I've been there for her so many years and you haven't! Which also means that you don't have the right to asked her out when I'm the one in love with her!" shouted Kirishima, before he realized what he said.

"Eijirou is it true?" you asked grabbing a hold of his arm. Blushing as dark as his hair, he looked away and nodded before he nodded. You engulf him in a bear hug while the whole class cheers for the new couple.

Extended Ending:

"You know I was joking when I asked her out right? No need to get so fucking angry you lunatic" comments Bakugou as he gangster-walked back to his seat. A joke?

"Well it certainly worked!" chimed Uraraka as Tsuyu nodded with her.

"Let me explain this plan we had. We saw how close you two were seeing that the both of you were always together and that you were on first name basis. So we all thought that you two were dating only to find out that the you guys were only friends. But we also saw how during class you two looked at each other, hence making the '(L/N) + Kirishima' plan!" said Yaoyorozu. The (L/N) + Kirishima plan? What in the world is going on here!

"The plan was to use Bakugou to 'flirt' with (L/N) here and make Kirishima jealous and rage over which went exactly to plan" explained Yaoyorozu. Sometimes she's a bit too thorough when it comes to explanations. 

"We even had to bribe Bakugou to do it" said Tsu while the other girls nodded. For their crazy plan, you were sure grateful for it.

This chapter is dedicated to @fandomhouse who was the one who requested this chapter. School is coming up in two weeks. TWO!! I'm not ready to go yet :(! I'm pretty sure on the first day of school, I'll be like "when is winter break?" Well hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you like Assassination Classroom, I just published an x reader about it so go ahead and check it out! Requests are open and have a nice day/night!

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