Neito Monoma | Detention

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Staring out the window, you heard the door creak open.

"Are my eyes betraying me?! (L/N) (F/N), the top student in class 1-A is in detention?!" you turn around to see Monoma of class 1-B by the door with a sarcastic smirk on his face.

As much as you hate to admit it, you had a crush on him. Not a huge fan girl type of crush but a subtle one. But being a tsundere girl you are, you won't let him know in the slightest way possible.

But first off, what did you do to earn a wonderful spot in detention? Well, long story short you can pissed off really easily and you might've broke all the windows in the cafeteria because of that. To you, that sounds like no big deal but the thing is, you done it the third time during the same week.

Back to your situation in the detention room, Monoma decided to sit at a spot right next to you, out of all the empty desks that was in the classroom.

"Go sit somewhere else. There is 18 other seats you can sit at. Just don't sit at a seat that is either beside, in front or behind me" you demanded with your chin rested on the palm of your hand.

"Why can't I sit here? I know you like my presence near you" teased Monoma.

Yes, I do.

"No I don't. I rather be anywhere but near you" you stated quite harshly.

Monoma put a hand on his chest and mocked a very offended expression.

"And I thought you were the nicest one out of all of the class 1-A students" Monoma shook his head in disappointment.

"I-I am the nicest!" you objected.

"Okay then" Monoma puts his hands up in defeat as he rolls his eyes.

"But you have to admit that you've fallen madly in love with me" Monoma whispered into your ear.

You jolted back with a blush creeping onto your face.

"No I don't!" you defended while using your hands to cover up your blush. Smirking, Monoma slowly gets up and walks towards you.

OMG he's coming closer!!!

"Oh please (L/N)-chan, it's not hard to admit it to me. Just say those three simple words" smirked Monoma. Sighing you decided to say exactly what he wants.

"I. Hate. You" you smiled at patted yourself on the back for creating such an amazing idea.

"Well then, I guess I'll have to use force" he raised his eyebrows while keeping that smirk on his face.

Before you can fully comprehend what was happening, he slammed his lips onto yours. The sudden impact made the both of you fall onto the floor.

Once you guys broke apart the kiss, you found out that he was on top of you.

"Just admit it (L/N)-chan. You've fallen in love with me. I know it because..." he started as he moved closer to your face making you blush even harder.

"I've already fallen madly in love with you" he concluded with a seductive tone. Your mind was exploding with happiness. Maybe, you'll give in just this once.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. This is dedicated to @smol_makara who was the one who requested this. I love Monoma's character but he so hard to keep in character (I tried). Anyways have a good day/night!

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