Katsuki Bakugou | Video Games

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Warning: Sir-swears-a-lot is a star in this chapter. Prepare for the swearing

Today was just another great summer day. The sun was shining and not a cloud in the sky. It was a great day to do something but, on a day like this you didn't feel like doing anything much.

"Hey Bakugou how about a water fight?" you suggested as you rolled around on the floor.

"Fuck no" was all he said. He was playing on his PS4, a game called 'Call Of Duty Black Ops 3.' There was a lot of violence in that game.

"Come on, you were playing that game all day" you complained as threw a bouncy wall at the wall and caught it.

"Who the fuck cares dipshit. I'll play this game until this shitty company makes the next one" he said as his eyes were still glued to the screen.

Sighing, you thought of ways to relieve your boredom.

"Hey Bakugou, do you have another controller?" you asked as you threw the bouncy ball at his back.

"Of course I have another controller" sassed Bakugou. Smiling to yourself, you dug around his box full of games until you found one that you liked.

"Let's play this! You and me can play against each other" you smiled as you held up 'Plants VS Zombies: Garden Warfare.'

While still pressing the buttons on the controller, Bakugou turns his head ever so slightly to look at the game you've chosen.

"You want to you that game? Uh sure?" he says, still debating whether or not to actually play the game with you.

Squealing, you swapped the disc out of the console and grabbed the extra controller.

"I call dibs on the 'Plants' team" you called out as Bakugou sets up the multiplayer mode.

"Sure whatever dumbass. I'll just be a zombie that'll eat your whole fucking garden" mutter Bakugou as he enter the character selection. It seems like he already completed the game.

You picked (favourite plant) while Bakugou pick (favourite zombie) and right after that, the game began.

"How the hell did you win?" you asked as the 'You Lose' sign was written across your side of the screen while Bakugou had the 'You Win' sign written across his.

"I'm a fucking natural at this game. Nobody can beat me, I'm just that fucking good" he bragged.

"I'm being a zombie next!" you declared as Bakugou resets the game. This round too, you lost again.

"You're using a hack aren't you!" you shouted as you stood up with your hand on your hips.

"I already told you dumbass, I'm a fucking natural at this game" smirked Bakugou and you dropped back down.

"One last try" you muttered. This round went by a lot slower than the first two tries. You can even see the concentration on Bakugou's face. You admit that it was a pretty cute expression.

"Stop fucking staring at me shit face" he said as he killed a few of your troops. You can tell that he hates to lose, what a sore loser. At last the game ended with a tie as you and Bakugou laid back.

For the rest of the day, you and Bakugou played video games for the rest of the day. Well, until his mom took it away and told you guys to be more active.

Here's another King of Explodo-Kills chapter. Video games are life, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Well I got nothing much to say so... requests are open and have a nice day/night!

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