Neito Monoma | Trust

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Warning: SWEARING!!!!!!!! :)

Sighing, you packed your bags after a long day of class. Who would've thought that hero training would've been so boring. Heck, even Class 1-A seems to be having a lot of fun even with Eraserhead or Aizawa-sensei as their homeroom teacher in U.A/Yuuei.

Getting up you walked to your boyfriend of 4 months, Neito Monoma.

"Are you done? I want to go home" you say as you wrap your arms around his shoulder and bury your face in his neck. Patting your head softly he continued to put all his stuff in his bags.

"He he, I'm sorry baby sensei asked me to stay behind and talk with him. Tomorrow I promise" he apologizes as kisses your forehead. Pouting, you nodded. It wasn't like you could force him ditch the teacher. Afterall, sensei was pretty scary even in a good mood.

"Okay, call me when you're home" you smile as you walk away.

As a boyfriend, Monoma wasn't like the jerk he acts to be. Instead, he has a whole other side to him. When you were sad and crying, he'd comfort you. Hold you as if you'll disappear if he lets go. He'd whisper comforting things in hopes that it'll make you calm down. When you're worried, he'd reassure you that everything would be alright. When you were sick, he'd come to your house with flowers in his hands along with a get well soon card. Sometimes when he has time, he'll stick around and take care of you.

Reflecting on it, Monoma is a completely different person with you. And that jerk façade seems to wash away as well.

Stopping at the red lights, you placed your hands in your pockets as it was getting a bit cold. Thunder began to boom over head. Once you put your hands into your pockets, you realized that your house keys weren't there. Quickly realizing that you left them in your desk, you quickly ran back to school before it begins to rain.

Running as fast as you can, you raced through the front entrance and up the stairs. Soon enough, you reached your classroom and opened the door.

The sight you saw made your heart dropped a thousand feet. Your boyfriend, or rather, was your boyfriend was making out with (random classmate in class 1-B). Just watching his hands on her hips and their lips locked made you sick to the core.

The sound of the door slamming successfully caught their attention. The girl shrieked and scurried off. And so it was only you and Monoma. Tears began to gather as you couldn't believe your eyes.

"So you were speaking to sensei I see" you say quietly as you struggled not to cry.

"It's not what it seems (F/N)" Monoma chuckles nervously.

"You think this is a joke?!" you barked which surprised Monoma. You were never one to yell, not even if the person deserved it. But today, today was an exception.

"You think that my love to you was a joke?! I gave you all the love I had for you but you unappreciative shit just threw it away and decided to fucking make out with (random classmate in class 1-B)! Just what am I to you?! Was I just someone you could whore around and when you found someone better you'll just toss me away as if I was some fucking joke?! I trusted you! I loved you! I believed that we'll be together forever. I thought you loved me just as much as I did but it appears that it was all an act. It's clear to me what you truly are, a fake bitch. And guess what? Once a fake bitch is always a fake bitch you asshole!" tears fell like waterfalls from your eyes as you shouted at him. You didn't even think about what you were saying. It just all came out non-stop.

"Come on (F/N), you don't mean it" he smiles nervously as he tries to touch your cheek but you slapped his hand away.

"Don't fucking touch me you asshole!" you scream. The both of you were having a mental breakdown, yours more evident than his.

"(F/N), I'm sorry it just sort of happened okay? I promise it won't happen again" Monoma tries to reassure you. He screwed up and he knows it but you weren't willing to give him a second chance. Not after the shit he pulled.

"How can I trust the words of an asshole? Why would I trust you again only to have my trust ripped apart from you again? You're sick. You're nothing of the Neito I knew and loved. You're... someone that played with my heart and decided to throw it out the window. Someone that can't even stay loyal their own girlfriend" you said with a glare. Walking to your desk, you grabbed your keys and walked past Monoma's shocked face without a glance. Your words hit him like bullet.

Before you walked out of the classroom you turned aback round.

"Don't ever talk to me again. I don't want anything to do with you" you muttered as you slammed the door shut. Right when you closed the door, you heard a loud noise like a desk dropping followed by screams and sobs. Why was that fucker crying? He's the one who broke you.

Clutching your keys tightly, you walked out of U.A/Yuuei. Tears were streaming down your face, just like the rain that began to fall. It seems like the sky was crying with you. You've never felt so lied to before that it hurt mentally and physically. But one thing is for certain, Monoma was the one who broke and betrayed you. Monoma, was truly a jerk.

This chapter is dedicated to @Soul-Otaku who was the one who requested this chapter. Wow, haven't written an angst in a long time! I have never been cheated on because I've never dated anyone before but I think this is how a break up works when someone cheats right? Either way, how's your summer break everyone? If you're still in school, I pray for you. Requests are CLOSED and have a nice day/night!

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