Tamaki Amajiki | Open Up To Me

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In all your years at U.A/Yuuei and being in Amajiki's class, you realized that you didn't know how he really is. Like personality wise. He talks to no one but Togata and the teacher. Otherwise, he speaks to no one.

In all honesty, you wanted to know. Maybe even become friends with him. Who knows? He might be the funniest person in the world and you just don't know it.

Once the bell rang for lunch, you quickly put away your materials and walked straight towards Amajiki. When you got to his side, he didn't seem to notice your presence so you tapped him on his shoulder. Looking up, Amajiki looked at you with a questioning look on his face.

"Hey Amajiki, would you like sit with us during lunch" you smile brightly as you ask him. Your friends just began circling around you two.

"I, um, I already-" he started before your friends cut you off.

"Hey (L/N), you're invited Amajiki to sit with us at lunch?" asked one friend and before you could say something, your other friend cut you off.

"Oh-ho-ho, does our sweet, pretty (L/N) have a crush on Amajiki-kun?" he/she smirked as they placed their arm around your shoulder. Your face instantly flushed a light shade of red as you covered your face.

"Noooooooo, it's not like that" you interjected. When you peeked through your fingers to see Amajiki's reaction, you found his seat empty.

"Huh? Where'd he go?" you asked. Looking at your friends, they shrugged saying that he ran off. Sighing, you decided to try again tomorrow.

Waking up bright and early, you quickly got ready and headed towards U.A/Yuuei. You're hoping to be there before Amajiki so your conversation can start as soon as it can.

Smiling to yourself gleefully, you walked (more like skipped) to school as you began thinking of conversation starters.

"Hello Amajiki! Or, morning! Or maybe both? Hey! Good morning Amajiki! Should I add a 'kun' in there?" you said outloud. Not realizing that you were already there, you began jogging towards the entrance. Once you go through the gate, you notice Amajiki casually walking to his lockers. Well, you got lucky!

"Hey Amajiki! Wait up!" you shout as you starting running towards him. He looks back at you with a blank expression and continues to walk ahead.

"Good morning!" you say as you are trying to catch your breath.

"Morning" Amajiki says quietly as he looks down at the ground. There was a large pause of silence since you were figuring out what to talk about and Amajiki just didn't say anything at all.

'He must be a shy person' you thought as suddenly a face pops up out of nowhere from a wall. You screeched as you thought that it was a ghost since it was really weird and creepy. Looking closer, you realized that the face in the wall was your classmate, Togata. What a trickster.

"Ha ha your expression was priceless (L/N)! I should do this more often" laughs Togata as he walks out of the wall.

"Please don't do it near me" Amajiki says as he doesn't spare a glance at Togata. Joining you and Amajiki, Togata began talking.

"So you're walking with (L/N)-chan? Well I didn't know you had a crush on someone! Why didn't you tell me" Togata chuckles as he playfully punches Amajiki.

"I don't have a crush on her. I've only spoken to her once" Amajiki replies as he opens the classroom door. Why does trying to talk and for him to open up to you attracts so much attention?

Settling down your things, you went and sat on top of the desk to the right of Amajiki.

"Amajiki-kun?" you said as you swing your legs back and forth.

"Yes?" he says, not bothering to look at you.

"I've realized that we haven't spoken to each other all year apart from now. I would like to know why" you smiled. Sighing, Amajiki leaned back in his chair. He only said three words and it sort of explained why.

"I'm socially awkward" he says. Nodding your head, you smiled. At least he said the main reason and maybe you have him tell you more things about himself.

"Ah, I see. So you don't like big crowds?" you ask.

"Hate them" Amajiki quickly said back. This conversation is going nowhere. Soon enough your friends started to gather around you two. You can see that Amajiki started to become stiff, anxious even.

"Guys, can Amajiki and I talk for awhile? Please? Thanks" you sighed as Amajiki let out the breath he was holding. Fortunately, all your friends left you two be and went to get ready for homeroom. To be quite frank, they didn't ask you why or start teasing you, which was weird. Your friends were NOTHING like that.

"Thank you" Amajiki mumbles quietly but you didn't hear it properly.

"I'm sorry can you say that again?" you ask politely as you lean closer to hear better.

"Thank you" he said a little louder. Chuckling, you asked him why did he apologized.

"Ever since I was  young, I always seem to get  nervous and anxious around large crowds. Sometimes to calm myself down I have to face a wall. It's funny actually how my physical abilities are strong but mentally, I'm weak" he confesses. Smiling, you patted his shoulder.

"If you want come sit with me at lunch and we'll find a solution to make you mentally stronger okay? You should really open up to some people. And you can start with me!" you said gleefully. Nodding his head ever so slightly, he agreed.

This chapter is dedicated to @lagaomi who was the one who requested this. Tamaki Amajiki is a newly introduced character from the manga (hopefully this clears up to who he is.) He is a third year at U.A/Yuuei and is apart of the 'Big Three' which basically means the three strongest students at U.A/Yuuei. I'll be honest, I didn't know how to make it so he opens up to the reader so I winged it (like all my other chapters.) I hope you all liked it. Also, HAPPY LATE CANADA DAY TO ALL MY CANADIAN READERS! 150 YEARS WHOOP WHOOP! Well that's it from me... requests are CLOSED and have a nice day/night!

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