Izuku Midoriya | Smiley Face

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This is a SOULMATE AU. On the wrist of your dominant hand has a picture of something and to know who's your soulmate, your soulmate would have the same picture on their wrist. I know there is a lot of stories out there like this one but bear with me here, it's hard to think of a different one.

You glanced at the picture on your (dominate wrist.) It was a simple smiley face. Nothing more nothing less.

Sighing to yourself, you dreamed of what your soulmate might look like. Would he be handsome and smell nice, but there is that possibility that he could be ugly and stinky. The thought made you shudder. You hoped that he'd be handsome and smell nice.

Despite being in middle school, most, if not all of your friends have a ready met their soulmate. And just by looking at their faces, you can tell just how happy all of them felt.

"Still daydreaming about your soulmate (nickname)-chan?" asked (best friend's name) who took a seat next to you. You were sitting next to a sakura tree that bloomed in the fields of your school.

"Yeah, I really want to meet him" I smiled as a mild breeze blew past causing some of the sakura petals to fall and follow the wind, making the scenery absolutely beautiful.

"You'll meet him soon, I know it. You just have to believe in yourself" reassured (best friend's name) as he/she patted you on the shoulder.

"But what if I'm one of the few people who will never meet their soulmate and grows into a lonely old hag" you complained as you threw your hands up in the air. You can tell that (best friend's name) was trying to keep their laughter in.

"Oh come on (L/N), I told you to believe. Which means no what ifs. Got it?" (best friend's name) said sternly as he/she puts their hands on their hips, intimating a common gesture you did when you were mad or pissed.

"Alright, no 'what ifs'" you said while quoting the 'what ifs.'

Time flew by and soon you were the graduates of your school. The high school that you managed to enroll in was U.A/Yuuei. The hardest school to get in through the entrance exams. You quite proud of that, not to mention you're the only one at your school to be accepted.

"I'll miss you" you and (best friend's name) said at the same time as you guys hugged good bye to each other.

"We'll keep in touch, right?" you asked as you wiped away a tear and your best friend nodded back in a response.

School started way too soon for your liking. You grudgingly dragged your feet to your new classroom, Class 1-A. As you got to the door, only then you realized just how big the door is. I mean it was massive.

'I hope there's no giants in that classroom' you thought to yourself as you opened the door. Inside was already most the kids (no giants phew.) But only one caught your attention.

He had green hair and freckles on his cheeks. Not only he was cute, but something on his wrist was the thing that caught your attention.

Looking down at your own wrist, you wanted to confirm that it was real. That it matched. Pushing your way through the crowd, you pulled his wrist up to your face to see at it properly. Yup, it matched.

"I found you soulmate" you breathed as you showed him your own wrist. His eyes widened as he looked down at his wrist. With tears forming in his eyes, he cried, "I've wanted to meet you since forever."

The whole class cheered for the newly found soulmates as you guys hug it out.

This story is dedicated to @origamifreak who was the one who requested this. I hope this story was enjoyable and sorry if you wanted more of Midoriya in this chapter. Anyways, requests are open and have a nice day/night!

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