Izuku Midoriya | Cuddles And Hot Chocolate

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After a long day of school, both you and your boyfriend Midoriya settled on the idea of hanging out at his house.

"Excuse my intrusion" you bowed once you entered his house.

"Oh Izuku you brought (F/N) here tonight?" asked his mother as she peeks out from the kitchen. Drying her hands off with her apron that is wrapped around her waist, she walked over to the front of the house where you and Midoriya were standing.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Midoriya" you politely said as you bowed. Chuckling to herself, she looked over to her son.

"You've got yourself a good girlfriend Izuku. I can't wait for the wedding" she grins as she pulls you and your flustered face into his home. You looked over to Midoriya for help all he did was smile and follow you.

Sitting down on the couch, Midoriya followed. He sat right next to you and as he did so, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you close to his embrace.

"So, what do you want to do (F/N)" he asks as his thumb gently caressed your shoulder. You cozied up to him and hummed in response. It was silent for a moment before you thought of something.

"How about cuddles and movies?" you suggested. Midoriya smiled and got up to get his laptop. It wasn't long before he came back with his laptop and a HUGE FLUFFY BLANKET. Your eyes light up  at the sight of the blanket. Placing the laptop on the coffee table, he drapes the blanket over you before joining. Grabbing the laptop from the coffee table, he dimmed the lights in the room.

"So what movie do you want to see?" he asks as he clicks the movie section. Looking at the lists of movie, nothing really jumped out at you. 

"I don't know you choose" you said as you snuggle up to his fit body. Scrolling through the list of movies, eventually Midoriya chose a movie.

"How about 'Journey 2: The Mysterious Island?'" he suggested. Nodding along, he clicks on the movie and so the film began. Resting your head on his chest, you smiled to yourself as to how lucky you are to have Midoriya as your boyfriend.

"Izuku, (F/N)! Would you like some of my famous hot chocolate?" asks Midoriya's mom as she held two mugs with topped whipped cream and chocolate syrup. Midoriya's mom was indeed very good at making hot chocolate. It was always sweet but not too sweet.

"Yes please" you said as she hands you and Midoriya the hot chocolate. Taking a sip, your mouth was filled with the chocolatey goodness. Beside you, Midoriya was chuckling. Looking at the movie, there wasn't anything funny going on there.

"What are you laughing at Izuku?" you pouted. Leaning in, Midoriya gave you a peck on your nose.

"You had whipped cream on your nose" he smiled as you pulled you closer to his body as if you weren't that close already. Drinking your hot chocolate and cuddling with your boyfriend watching a movie was definitely one of your favourite things to do with him.

Watching the climax of the movie, your took another sip of your hot chocolate. By now it wasn't as hot as when his mom first served it but it was still delicious. The fluffy was half covering you and Midoriya and is half on the floor.

Placing your empty mug on the coffee table. You laid your head on his shoulder as you pulled the blanket off the floor and draped it over your shoulder.

"You cold?" pondered Midoriya as he looked down on you. Shaking your head, you smiled at him.

"No, I didn't want this fluffy blanket to be dirty" you explain. Nodding his head to show that he understood, you guys continued to watch the movie. It was quiet for the rest of the film and eventually you fell asleep near the end of the movie.

"Ah, that was a good movie wasn't it (F/N)" Midoriya yawn as he stretched his legs.

"(F/N)?" he said as he noticed that you didn't respond. Looking down at your sleeping face, Midoriya had to keep his squeals in. Pulling the blanket to make sure your shoulders were covered, he laid his head on yours. Closing his eyes, he pulled you closer to his embrace.

"Sweet dreams princess"

This is dedicated to @Warriorcatlover511 who was the one who requested this chapter. GUYS GUESS WHAT?! THIS ONE SHOT BOOK GOT 100K READS AND 3.5K VOTES LIKE WHATTTTTTT. I'm not sure if all of you guys are as hyped as I am but wowowowow this is amazing. Thank you to all of you who wasted hours of your life to read this crappy one shot book and I will continue writing crappy one shots XD. Well requests are open (request in the 'Request' chapter and no lemons) and have a nice day/night!

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