Ochako Uraraka | Helpful

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No amount of words could describe how nervous you felt, standing in front of an insanely huge door, waiting for an entrance exam to start. You shuffled back and forth, shifting the weight between your two feet. Months of preparation, training and studying, all to prepare for this very nerve-racking day. 

"Okay, calm down (F/N), there's absolutely NOTHING for you to be worried about," you prep-talked yourself as students around all looked just as nervous as you (though some appeared to be quite confident) as they anxiously waited in silence for entrance exam to begin. 

A minute passed, then two, then five minutes. The teacher in charge was no where in sight. You've seen him on T.V before. Present Mic. You weren't the biggest fan of him but you did know him. 

And as if on cue...

"What are you guys waiting foooooor?! There's no start for a hero battle!!" Present Mic yells through his commentating mic, startling everybody. Everyone dashes into the make-shift city, hoping to find these damn robots since supposedly, theres robots are around here. To gain points, you need to destroy them. That's pretty easy right?-

"THIS IS INSANELY HARD!" you yell, destroying a 1 point robot as it's metal fist almost crushed you. Panting, you swipe the sweat forming on your forehead as you count how many robots you have destroyed. 

"So if I destroyed 2 one point robot and 1 two point robots then I have fou-"

"Watch out!" a feminine voice yells out as a 3 point robot falls right next to you, scaring the lights out of you. Colour drained from you face as you examine the destructive state the robot was in. Wires were sparking and the metal was heavily dented. 

"Are you okay?" that same voice asks. The girl is quite small with big round eyes. Quite cute if you do say so yourself. Her hair is nice as well.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. T-Thanks" you say, chuckling nervously.

"Well I hope you do well! I'm going to destroy more robots! Bye bye!" and just like that she left. Well, this is an entrance exam. She's probably working hard to get in. You should probably also try to get into your dream school..

"ARGHHHHH WHAT AM I DOING?! I'M WASTING MY DAMN TIME!" you yell as you start running aimlessly in the city. 

Alleyway after alleyway, you destroyed a total of four more robots. You've successfully destroyed a three point robot but the majority of your points were gained by those one point robots. The three point robots were extremely hard to destroy so you tended to opt for the one point robot. 

Standing near a pet shop, you stopped to catch your breath. Beads of sweat rolled down the side of your face. Your hands were shaking from all the attacking you did to those robots. Swallowing whatever little bit of your saliva there was in your dry mouth, you started jogging, trying to look for more robots.

"Ah bonjour! You are no match for moi!" turning your head towards the voice you saw a blonde boy, thrusting his hips to cast a very bright purple laser. 

"Ah, I shouldn't assume his sexuality so I'll just leave..." you mumble, looking away to walk in another direction other than there. 

"Hey you!" he shouts, causing you to instinctively look towards him.

"I CAN NOT STOP TWINKLING" he says as he winks at you to which you shuddered.

"Don't pay any attention to him, he's weird" looking the other way, it was that girl again. She seemed pretty beat up, you wondered how many points she has gained. Probably a lot more than you. Silence occupied the air, along with an awkward tension.

"Why are we just standing here? There's tons of robots in the centre! I got 24 points just from there!" she exclaimed excitedly as she grabs your arm, causing you to float up.

"W-WOAH?!" you yelled, startled of your sudden loss of gravitation. 

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" she says worriedly. She brings her fingertips together, gently tapping and causing you to fall. 

"Ouch" you mumbled rubbing your sore arms as they cushioned your fall. 

"Are you okay?" the girl kneels down and looks you straight in the eyes. There was something about her eyes. They were filled with innocence and wonder. They were... cute.

"Yeah..." you said as she helps you stand up.

"I realize I didn't introduce myself yet. I'm (L/N) (F/-"

"TEN MINUTES LEFT HEROESSSS. GATHER UP SOME POINTS YEAHHHHH" Present Mic yells, his loud voice booming and echoing through out the city. It screeched even.

"There's not much time left how many points do you have?" she asked you urgently. 

"14... I think" you muttered sheepishly as you look at the ground. The colour of her skin seemed to drain.

"You need points come on I'll help!" She yells as she starts running towards the west. Not knowing of what to do, you followed. Sprinting with her, you guys managed to encounter a lot of robots, to which your delight, managed to destroy a couple. 

When you guys finally got to the centre, you realized that there was a lot of other students who happened to be here with a variety of quirks. Looking for the girl, you found out that she disappeared. But, she helped you thus far, which you should be grateful for. 

Though, you didn't even get her name...

"Thank you" you muttered anyways, running off towards a robot.

This chapter is dedicated to @Abigail_f_b who was the one who requested this. Ah I'm back from this really long hiatus. Exams were hell (no shit) and semester 2 just started. So I spent January studying for my exams and now it's February and I'm back! I'm not so good at writing for female characters and I've worked on this chapter on and off so it might sound a bit wonky. I don't remember much of the entrance exam so this was all from my memory. Requests are CLOSED and have a nice day/night!

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