Hitoshi Shinsou | Frightened

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(F/N) (L/N), there's just so much to say about her. But the first thing that comes to mind for Shinsou is that he doesn't deserve her. She's beautiful, shy yet has lots charisma, kind and cluelessly cute. Comparing her to himself, his messy purple hair, dark eye bags and villainous like quirk, there is quite the contrast.

"Hitoshi let's go on a date today" you say which snaps Shinsou from his thoughts. It's been over a month since you guys started dating but somehow Shinsou still blushes uncontrollably around you.

"Okay where do you wanna go?" he asks as he smiles a bit for you, looking into your eyes.

"Um... how about that new sushi store near the park?" you suggest as Shinsou agreed.

When school ended, Shinsou quickly rushed down to his lockers to change his shoes so he can appear like a perfect boyfriend waiting for his girlfriend to take her on date.

'Okay, what should I say? Hey babe, ready to go? No that's too cringey. About time? No I sound so desperate and impatient. You know what, I'll go with a simple ready and a sweet smile. Yeah that's good' Shinsou thought. He's been so busy thinking about what to say to you that he didn't realize that you were already standing in front of him. Whenever Shinsou was thinking about something, to you it was the cutest thing ever. His eyebrows drawn together in thought and his index finger covering his top lip while the other finger gently holds his chin.

"Hitoshi" you say in a sing-song kind of voice. Upon hearing your voice Shinsou snaps out of his thoughts and smiles at you.

"Ready?" he smiles just he said he would and you nodded. Taking your hand, he intertwines his fingers with yours as you lay your head on his shoulder talking about your day.

"And so (best friend's name) said that she'll confess to him today and I supported her. But you know what actually happened? She chickened out last moment and ran away. I was like 'girl go apologize and try again. If you want me to be there I will be just like how you were there when I confessed to Hitoshi.' And then we talked about you the whole time saying how handsome you are and how you're such boyfriend and husband material" you rambled as Shinsou just chuckled along.

"Well I'm grateful that you think of me as husband material. I only need to be the best for my wife" smiles Shinsou cheekily as he gently pinches you cheek. Seeing you pout might be his biggest weakness.

You glanced up ahead to happily see the sushi restaurant right around the corner. Skipping ahead you weren't aware of the car that was driving towards you. Panicking Shinsou, quickly ran after you.

"(F/N) STOP!"  he calls out panic evident in his eyes, hoping desperately for you to respond to him.

"Huh? Why?" you ask as you feel yourself lose control of your limbs and fall backwards. Just as you fell, car passes by in front of you. Shinsou deactivates the brainwashing and rushes towards you engulfing you in his arms. He nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck as he rocks back and forth, to comfort you. Or perhaps it was to comfort himself. To let him know that you were still in his arms.

"Hitsohi? Why'd you use your quirk on me? You know I hate it when you use it on me!" you shout, tears welling up in your eyes. You'd say that the only downside of your perfect boyfriend is that quirk of his. It was only reason why you thought so long and hard about whether or not you should confess.

"(F/N) please, I had to. I don't what I'll do without you. Please, I'm begging you, please forgive me" Shinsou pleaded. He knew that you hated him using his quirk on you. It made you feel weak and vulnerable. He knew that it is more of a villain's quirk than a hero's quirk but despite that, he still had his eyes set on being a hero. But right now, the only hero he needs to be is yours.

Knowing that you could've died from being hit by a car, you dropped the topic. Sure you hated him using his quirk on you, but he did it to save you. He had a good reason to do so anyways.

"Hey Hitoshi? Why don't we go eat sushi another time? I just want to go home and watch movies with you instead" you say and he nods in agreement. Helping you back up on your feet, Shinsou places a soft kiss on your forehead. From dating this long, you should've been used to it by now but sometimes unpredictable things like this, you can't but blush.

"Let's go" Shinsou smiles as he grabs your hand and starts walking towards his house.

This is dedicated to @AdriiGee who was the one who requested this chapter. I feel like Shinsou was a bit too OOC. I don't know him as much as the ones in Class 1-A since they're like the main characters of the series. This chapter is a bit shorter than some of my other chapters so I hope you don't mind. Oh, you guys have really weird thoughts judging on what you guys comment on this book XP. Requests are CLOSED and have a nice day/night! 

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