Shouto Todoroki | Forbidden Love

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Kingdom AU!

You walked through quite a noisy market, wearing a brown tattered cloak. Looking at some of the stands you saw the same old faces as last week. Heading straight to the blacksmith shop, you took out your dull sword and dagger and placed it on the stone counter. Not long after, large man in a black apron approached you.

"Back again are you (L/N)?" asked the man as he lifted up the weapons you placed.

"Well, I happened to be in the area so I thought that I should drop by" you gave a weary smile as you pulled the hood up a bit show your face before pulling it back down. The man looked around before leaning in close.

"You ought to be careful not to show your face here. Any crook here would like to capture you to get that hefty reward the king offered" he whispered to as he glanced to the right. Following his gaze, you spotted a wanted poster with your face on it. And as the blacksmith said, the king was willing to give a large price.

"Well, that is a problem" you said as you leaned on the counter.

"Yes it is indeed. I'll have these done in an hour, the price will be 2000 yen" said the blacksmith as took the weapon and entered his store to fix and sharpen them.

Looking at the sky, you suddenly began thinking of how wonderful it'd be to be a cloud. You can travel anywhere you wished and looked like anything you wanted without being judged. Smiling at the thought, you didn't realize that a powerful breeze flown by.

Covering your face from the dust that the wind blew, you didn't know that your hood has flown down exposing your face.

"Hey look that's the villain that the king wanted!" yelled a male in his late thirties. Soon a group of men gathered around you with whatever weapon they could get their hands on. You desperately looked for any openings. If only you gave the blacksmith one of your weapons.

Taking a deep breath, you sprinted towards the end of the town. A loud collective shout roared behind you. You felt your heart beating against your chest as you sprinted towards a forest that was in your sight.

Soon you heard and saw arrows whiz pass you.

"Damn, they're shooting arrows?" you cursed under your breath. And as if you cued it to be, an arrow managed to hit you in the back of your thigh which caused you to fall on impact. Struggling to get up, another arrow shot your right shoulder.

Crying in pain, you slowly glanced up to see a steep ditch a little ways in the forest. Gathering all the strength you had left, you slowly rose up and limped your way to the ditch. You knew it was risky, yes, but it was your only way of escape.

"She's headed for the forest!" you heard the crowd shout as you made your way to the ditch. Trying as hard as you can, you ran a little bit faster, only to trip over a branch that causes you to tumble down the ditch and into a bush.

As the leaves of the bush hides your body, you kept your mouth shut. The group of the townsmen gathered at the top of the ditch looking frantically looking around for you. It must've of been a good ten minutes before they left. Shimmying out of the bush, you winced in pain as you look at the two arrows that shot you. Thinking that it'd be better to pull them out when you found shelter, you limped over to a nearby cave. Halfway through, your legs must've given up as you collapsed. Your head hit a root of a tree causing you to black out.

Opening your eyes slowly, the smell of a stew filled your nose. Struggling to sit up, you put your hand to where your shoulder was shot. When your fingers touched the place where the arrow should be, you felt a rough material there instead. With your eyes widening you glanced at your leg and it too was wrapped up.

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